Avaliação dos critérios do IPTU Verde Salvador para a produção de uma arquitetura sustentável
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Carvalho, Gabriella Machado de
Bruna, Gilda Collet
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Meirelles, Célia Regina Moretti
Monteiro, Leonardo Marques
Monteiro, Leonardo Marques
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
The research “Evaluation of the criteria of the municipal certification IPTU Verde
Salvador toward the production of a sustainable architecture” analyzes the certification
IPTU Verde, which is an instrument that aims to give incentives to sustainable attitudes
and mechanisms to diminish the consumption of natural resources and to reduce
environmental impacts, through property tax incentive. The main goal of this work is to
analyze the requisites for obtaining the certification IPTU Verde Salvador. This theme
was chosen due to it being a potential alternative in addressing and solving the
environmental damages in architecture, through the adoption of sustainable measures
applied on the building, which is also able to generate benefits for the users and for
the city. Therefore, the research had the goal of analyzing the requisites that are part
of the certification IPTU Verde in the municipality of Salvador, and its methodology
consists of literature review including the study of the concepts of sustainability applied
to architecture; the study of IPTU Verde of Salvador, which aims to stimulate the
building sustainability certification with focus on the criteria for the concession of the
certification, and how it is structured; presentation of the 70 requisites which make up
the certification, which are items related to water management, efficiency and
energetic alternatives, sustainable project and greenhouse gases; a comparison
between the IPTU Verde Salvador certification with two other sustainable municipal
certifications, QUALIVERDE in Rio de Janeiro and BH Sustentável in Belo Horizonte;
and finally, an analysis of IPTU Verde Salvador within three developments certified in
the municipality of Salvador.
arquitetura , IPTU Verde , Salvador , sustentabilidade
Assuntos Scopus
CARVALHO, Gabriella Machado de. Avaliação dos critérios do IPTU Verde Salvador para a produção de uma arquitetura sustentável. 2020.125 f. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020 .