Psicopatas e a aplicação do direito penal brasileiro
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Silva, Izadora Rodrigues da
Almeida, Jéssica Pascoal Santos
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O presente artigo científico tem por finalidade estudar o enfoque dado à condição dos indivíduos que possuem caráter psicopático à luz do Direito Penal Brasileiro. Dessa maneira, será feita uma análise do enquadramento do psicopata dentro do ordenamento penal, tendo em vista as características de Transtorno de Personalidade que apresentam. Procurou-se, em um primeiro momento, traçar aspectos relevantes quanto dos diagnósticos de psicopatia para, posteriormente, discorrer sobre como estes indivíduos são compreendidos e tratados pela legislação penal brasileira. A partir do referido estudo, possível observar que os psicopatas são vistos perante a sociedade e perante o ordenamento como doentes mentais, embora, conforme também será demonstrado, seja uma questão não pacificada. Neste cenário, imprescindíveis ponderações acerca do conceito de inimputabilidade, semi-imputabilidade e imputabilidade, de forma a abordar o atual enquadramento dado aos psicopatas. Não somente, será realizado um estudo acerca da medida de segurança e às críticas existentes acerca do referido instituto. Por fim, de modo a tornar a questão mais clara, serão apresentados dois casos reais, ocorridos no Brasil, de indivíduos que, além de expressarem receberam diagnósticos similares, todavia, as penas impostas a eles foram relevantemente discrepantes. A presente pesquisa é de suma importância em decorrência do fato dos psicopatas não se enquadrarem em nenhuma linha de pensamento específico, ocasionando, dessa forma, em um desafio para a Justiça.
The present monograph aims to study the approach given to the condition of individuals diagnosed with psychopathy in light of Brazilian Criminal Law. In this way, an analysis of the framing of the psychopath within the criminal law will be made. The first step was to present common characteristics present in the diagnoses of psychopathy and then discuss how these individuals are understood and treated by Brazilian criminal law. From this study, it is possible to observe that psychopaths are seen by society and the legal system as mentally ill, although, as will also be shown, this is not a pacified issue. In this scenario, it is essential to consider the concept of imputability, semi-imputability and imputability, in order to address the current framework given to psychopaths. In addition, a study will be made of the security measure and the existing criticisms of this institute. Finally, in order to make the issue clearer, two real cases will be presented, which occurred in Brazil, of individuals who received the same diagnosis of psychopathy, however, the sentences imposed on them were relevantly discrepant. This research is of utmost importance due to the fact that psychopaths do not fit into any specific line, of thought, thus posing a challenge to Justice.
The present monograph aims to study the approach given to the condition of individuals diagnosed with psychopathy in light of Brazilian Criminal Law. In this way, an analysis of the framing of the psychopath within the criminal law will be made. The first step was to present common characteristics present in the diagnoses of psychopathy and then discuss how these individuals are understood and treated by Brazilian criminal law. From this study, it is possible to observe that psychopaths are seen by society and the legal system as mentally ill, although, as will also be shown, this is not a pacified issue. In this scenario, it is essential to consider the concept of imputability, semi-imputability and imputability, in order to address the current framework given to psychopaths. In addition, a study will be made of the security measure and the existing criticisms of this institute. Finally, in order to make the issue clearer, two real cases will be presented, which occurred in Brazil, of individuals who received the same diagnosis of psychopathy, however, the sentences imposed on them were relevantly discrepant. This research is of utmost importance due to the fact that psychopaths do not fit into any specific line, of thought, thus posing a challenge to Justice.
psicopata , legislação , medida de segurança , psychopath , legislation , safety measure