Educar sob os princípios da alteridade ética de Lévinas
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Silva, Maria Alice Moreira
Masini, Elcie Aparecida Fortes Salzano
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Bueno, Marcelo Martins
Caldas, Roseli Fernandes Lins
Pagnez, Karina Soledad Maldonado Molina
Ribeiro, José Maria Gonçalves da Silva
Caldas, Roseli Fernandes Lins
Pagnez, Karina Soledad Maldonado Molina
Ribeiro, José Maria Gonçalves da Silva
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This work investigated the possibility to education based on the principles of ethic alterity – opening a space in the educational experience that enables the proximity with the other and the respect to the different, before any preoccupation with the transmission of curricular subjects, all based on technical dimensions. In its theoretical referential, this study is based on the thoughts of the following authors: Levinas (1906-1995) specially, whose concepts of education have their roots on the integration with the other through an ethic of acceptance and respect towards alterity; Freire (1921-1997), whose thinking is marked by the search of a school with active and interacting students through dialog; Bahktin (1895-1975) for his preoccupation with the self and the others, in the search of an ethic that could favor the implementation of an education raised from the principles of consideration to the alterity. The guidelines were based on the verification of teachers of a private large-sized college, considering the following: 1. to be possible, and in what way, to educate under the perspective of consideration of the ethic alterity; 2. whether those professors noticed interactivities between students and their professors and if they comprehended that interactivity as a necessity to the self and the exacerbation of the same self, that one can observe in human relations; 3. if they considered that interactivity as a resource that enables the consideration to the otherness in the educational process. The research method used to achieve the objectives of this investigation was the qualitative approach, the most appropriate to the interaction perspective. The data collection of this investigation occurred among five professors, the subjects of this research, as regards to the educational relation between the self and the other through guideline questions based on the reflection about educational experiences of the hereby researcher together with the assumptions of the thinkers upon whom the theoretical roots of this paper are based. The analysis showed that all the interviewees comprehended the interaction as a resource that enables the consideration to the alterity on the educational process. They signalized that the role of the institution, either collaborative or not, should be considered with all respect to the diversity, as well as the ethical and moral roots, together with the acting of the self. This possibility was conditional upon the preparation of the professor, their provided experience on students‟ sensitization and their role as a model to their students. The data recorded and analyzed have brought new queries. They suggest new researches and the challenge to broad this subject of study, giving it a continuity, nevertheless looking forward to the possibility of professors and institutions to teaching under the ethic of consideration to the alterity.
educação , ética , alteridade , interatividade
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Maria Alice Moreira. Educar sob os princípios da alteridade ética de Lévinas. 2015. 156 f. Tese (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.