Lygia Fagundes Telles na sala de aula: a literatura como sistema nas aulas de língua portuguesa

dc.contributor.advisorLajolo, Marisa Philbert
dc.contributor.authorBarachati, Gisele Maria Souza
dc.description.abstractThis research has as its theme the teaching of literary reading at school. Literature has always been part of school curricula in the teaching of Portuguese. However, what is observed in many teaching practices and didactic manuals is the proposition of reading situations based on adaptations of literary works and interpretation activities, often based on the analysis of the apparent layer of the work and its linguistic content, disregarding its social nature. The Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Língua Portuguesa (BRAZIL, 1998) already signaled a reductionist view of the texts that circulate in the school, calling attention to the simplification of reading materials with the aim of bringing them closer to students, instead of helping them. in understanding quality texts. On the other hand, the Base National Comum Curricular (BRAZIL, 2017) seeks to expand the work of school reading towards a contextualization of this practice, when considering reading a situation of social life. Both curricular documents in force in the country guide the teaching of teachers, which is the focal point of the problem that motivated the research: the quality of teaching literary reading at school. Our hypothesis is that the practice of literary reading, especially that proposed by textbooks, takes little account of the social character of Literature, focusing on the surface of the text and the linguistic aspects of its construction, which leads to a second hypothesis: that knowledge of theories of Literature can contribute to teaching practice. In view of this, we seek to suggest for the teaching of literary reading a basis in the theory of the Literary System, by Antonio Candido (2017), in order to support the elaboration of significant activities at school, such as those presented in this research. The notion of Literary System proves to be quite efficient when considering Literature in all its complexity: a symbolic system of inter-human communication, which presupposes the constant presence and interaction between author, audience and work. The articulation of these three elements enables a more in-depth understanding of literary texts, in addition to the explicit meanings in a work, as was shown in the analysis of the short story A Caçada, by Lygia Fagundes Telles. The interpretation of the short story in the light of the Literary System presents itself as a possibility of approaching the text at school, based on the analysis of its social, historical and aesthetic aspects, that is, the understanding of the work of art as an autonomous reality, but which requires the presence of the creative artist and the reader, who gives meaning to the text. The result of the analysis brought an understanding of how certain historical and social elements led Lygia to choose and treat literarily the theme of the passage of time, in the short story, in order to communicate the relationship between man and the world. It is concluded, then, that the humanizing role of Literature, as well as its presence in people's lives as a right, permeates the teaching practices at school and the approach of the literary text as part of a System, which requires an expansion theoretical knowledge of the teacher.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipInstituto Presbiteriano Mackenziepor
dc.identifier.citationBARACHATI, Gisele Maria Souza. Lygia Fagundes Telles na sala de aula: a literatura como sistema nas aulas de língua portuguesa. 2020. 181 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.por
dc.keywordsliterary readingeng
dc.keywordsliterary systemeng
dc.keywordsteaching of portuguese language.eng
dc.keywordslygia fagundes telleseng
dc.publisherUniversidade Presbiteriana Mackenziepor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectleitura literáriapor
dc.subjectsistema literáriopor
dc.subjectensino de língua portuguesapor
dc.subjectlygia fagundes tellespor
dc.titleLygia Fagundes Telles na sala de aula: a literatura como sistema nas aulas de língua portuguesapor
local.contributor.board1Batista, Ronaldo de Oliveira
local.contributor.board2Maia, Gisele Gomes
local.contributor.board3Albieri, Thaís de Mattos
local.contributor.board4Atik, Maria Luiza Guarnieri
local.publisher.departmentCentro de Comunicação e Letras (CCL)por
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