Cigarro eletrônico em associação com outras modalidades tabágicas: efeitos na função pulmonar - estudo piloto
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Martins, Kamila Matos Ferreira
Fernandes, Marcelo
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Introdução: Durante a vida acadêmica, diversos fatores podem gerar estresse, influenciando o início do uso de substâncias como cigarros eletrônicos (CEs), dispositivos eletrônicos movidos a bateria que aerosolizam líquidos por aquecimento. Estudos indicam que CEs podem causar dependência e danos à saúde, incluindo complicações pulmonares como tosse crônica, bronquite, aumento da morbidade da asma e EVALI. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do CE na função pulmonar de jovens universitários, correlacionando variáveis de função pulmonar com aspectos do uso do CE e outras modalidades tabágicas. Método: Dez participantes, divididos em Grupo Controle (GC) e Grupo Cigarro Eletrônico (GCE), preencheram fichas iniciais, questionários IPAQ-Versão curta, Fagerström de Dependência Tabágica e foram submetidos a testes de função pulmonar. Resultados O GCE apresentou valores estatisticamente mais elevados nos níveis de CO (p<0,032), e menores valores na relação VEF1/CVF (p<0,008). Conclusão: O cigarro eletrônico em associação com outras modalidades tabágicas promoveu aumento significativo de CO e redução na relação VEF1/CVF em jovens universitários.
Introduction: Throughout academic life, various factors can generate stress, influencing the initiation of the use of substances such as electronic cigarettes (ECs), battery-powered electronic devices that aerosolize liquids through heating. Studies indicate that ECs can lead to dependence and health damage, including pulmonary complications such as chronic cough, bronchitis, increased asthma morbidity, and EVALI. Objective: To assess the effects of ECs on the lung function of young university students, correlating lung function variables with aspects of EC use and other tobacco modalities. Method: Ten participants, divided into the Control Group (CG) and Electronic Cigarette Group (ECG), completed initial forms, IPAQ-Short Version questionnaires, Fagerström Tobacco Dependence tests, and underwent pulmonary function tests. Results: The ECG showed statistically higher values in CO levels (p<0.032) and lower values in the FEV1/FVC ratio (p<0.016) and FEV1/FVC as a percentage of predicted (p<0.008). Conclusion: Electronic cigarettes, in association with other tobacco modalities, led to a significant increase in CO and a reduction in the FEV1/FVC ratio in young university students.
Introduction: Throughout academic life, various factors can generate stress, influencing the initiation of the use of substances such as electronic cigarettes (ECs), battery-powered electronic devices that aerosolize liquids through heating. Studies indicate that ECs can lead to dependence and health damage, including pulmonary complications such as chronic cough, bronchitis, increased asthma morbidity, and EVALI. Objective: To assess the effects of ECs on the lung function of young university students, correlating lung function variables with aspects of EC use and other tobacco modalities. Method: Ten participants, divided into the Control Group (CG) and Electronic Cigarette Group (ECG), completed initial forms, IPAQ-Short Version questionnaires, Fagerström Tobacco Dependence tests, and underwent pulmonary function tests. Results: The ECG showed statistically higher values in CO levels (p<0.032) and lower values in the FEV1/FVC ratio (p<0.016) and FEV1/FVC as a percentage of predicted (p<0.008). Conclusion: Electronic cigarettes, in association with other tobacco modalities, led to a significant increase in CO and a reduction in the FEV1/FVC ratio in young university students.
jovens universitários , cigarro eletrônico , função pulmonar , young university students , electronic cigarette , lung function