Relatório sobre a produção da webreportagem “Jazz Dance: sincretismo, transformação, liberdade e inclusão"
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Sena, Carolina Trancoso de
Marcos, Patrícia Sheila Monteiro Paixão
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Este relatório, produzido como parte do Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso de
Jornalismo da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, fundamenta, sob o ponto de
vista teórico e prático, a webreportagem “Jazz dance: sincretismo, transformação,
liberdade e inclusão”. A webreportagem retrata a importância do jazz dance no
cenário brasileiro, tanto como forma de expressão artística, como elemento de
transformação e inclusão na vida de seus praticantes. A matéria traz entrevistas com
profissionais da área, como bailarinos e professores da modalidade, e a opinião de
críticos e pesquisadores do tema. Com uma narrativa multimídia e transmídia, o
texto dialoga com vídeos, galerias de imagens, um quiz, artes e um podcast. A
webreportagem no site também se relaciona com outras plataformas, como
YouTube, Spotify e Instagram. O relatório que sustenta a peça jornalística foi
produzido a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica fundamentada na leitura de artigos
acadêmicos e livros sobre o tema, sobre a mídia webreportagem e sobre a narrativa
multimídia e transmídia.
This report, produced as part of the Final Project for the Journalism Course at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, provides a theoretical and practical basis for the web report "Jazz dance: syncretism, transformation, freedom and inclusion". The web report portrays the importance of jazz dance on the Brazilian scene, both as a form of artistic expression and as an element of transformation and inclusion in the lives of its practitioners. The article features interviews with professionals in the field, such as dancers and teachers, and the opinion of critics and researchers on the subject. With a multimedia and transmedia narrative, the text dialogues with videos, image galleries, a quiz, arts and a podcast. The web report on the site is also linked to other platforms such as YouTube, Spotify and Instagram. The report that underpins the journalistic piece was produced based on bibliographical research based on reading academic articles and books on the subject, on web reporting and on multimedia and transmedia storytelling,
This report, produced as part of the Final Project for the Journalism Course at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, provides a theoretical and practical basis for the web report "Jazz dance: syncretism, transformation, freedom and inclusion". The web report portrays the importance of jazz dance on the Brazilian scene, both as a form of artistic expression and as an element of transformation and inclusion in the lives of its practitioners. The article features interviews with professionals in the field, such as dancers and teachers, and the opinion of critics and researchers on the subject. With a multimedia and transmedia narrative, the text dialogues with videos, image galleries, a quiz, arts and a podcast. The web report on the site is also linked to other platforms such as YouTube, Spotify and Instagram. The report that underpins the journalistic piece was produced based on bibliographical research based on reading academic articles and books on the subject, on web reporting and on multimedia and transmedia storytelling,
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
jazz dance , dança , webreportagem