Evidencias de validade do instrumento de motivação (Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire – TEOSQ) para para-atletas brasileiros
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Hirota, Vinicius Barroso
Paula, Cristiane Silvestre de
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Assis, Silvana Maria Blascovi de
Marco, Ademir De
Caperuto, Érico Chagas
Bernardes, Nathalia
Marco, Ademir De
Caperuto, Érico Chagas
Bernardes, Nathalia
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Nowadays, the universe of adapted sport has emerged for athletes seeking a constant
overcoming in the sporting context, but they must be motivated for sports practice, for
competitions and above all for overcoming defeats or maintaining victory. In this
perspective, the present study had as main objective validate the Task and Ego
Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) for the Brazilian population of paraathletes,
physically disabled, testing the psychometric properties (validity, reliability
and reproducibility), Establishing a score related to the instrument studied, thus
enabling a description of the level of motivation (task orientation and ego). Through a
descriptive quantitative approach we evaluated a sample of 771 para-athletes over 18
years of age (mean of 29.51 years [± 9.65]) of both genders, randomly selected. After
the approval of the Research Ethics Committee, the contact with para-athletes was
initiated via the Brazilian Paralympic Committee and personally in regional, national
and international competitions. Subsequently, the pilot study was carried out with 47
para-athletes with a mean age of 29.42 (± 9.00), which positive results of TEOSQ were
identified in relation to internal consistency and correlation with POSQp. From these
results, we proceeded to the complete study that counted on the participation of 771
para-athletes from different Brazilian States, following the same steps of the pilot study.
The results pointed to the high consistency of TEOSQ in relation to task orientation and
to ego (task alpha of 0.82 and ego of 0.77). The only exception was in relation to
question 6 (The others mess up and I do not), specifically in ego orientation, since the
statistical modeling of internal consistency and exploratory factorial analysis (AFE)
revealed that this question was dissociated from the ego factor, revealing A third factor.
In the test-retest test, the results confirmed the internal stability of the instrument, and
the explored factors were associated with latent values in the guidelines, except for
question 6, where the AFE model suggested a latent third factor. The results pointed to
the high consistency of TEOSQ in relation to task orientation and to ego (task alpha of
0.82 and ego of 0.77). The only exception was in relation to question 6 (The others mess
up and I do not), specifically in ego orientation, since the statistical modeling of internal
consistency and exploratory factorial analysis (AFE) revealed that this question was
dissociated from the ego factor, revealing A third factor. In the test-retest test, the
results confirmed the internal stability of the instrument, and the explored factors were
associated with latent values in the guidelines, except for question 6, where the AFE
model suggested a latent third factor. The results of this research allow us to conclude
that TEOSQ has adequate psychometric properties to evaluate motivation among
Brazilian para-athletes, according to different validation strategies. At the same time,
the analytical models performed in the research indicate the withdrawal of the issue of
number 6, since it would lead to the improvement of the instrument. Another finding of
the study was that para-athletes have motivational tendencies of the task-oriented type,
revealing their concern to learn, develop, and cooperate with team partners, believing
that their success results from their effort/ training and personal achievement, not
motivação , validação , avaliação , esporte , para-atletas
Assuntos Scopus
HIROTA, Vinicius Barroso. Evidencias de validade do instrumento de motivação (Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire – TEOSQ) para para-atletas brasileiros. 2017. 133 f. Tese( Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.