Do cárcere à liberdade: um estudo crítico sobre as políticas públicas existentes para a reintegração social do indivíduo em São Paulo
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Pimentel Filho, Cesar Rodrigues
Almeida, Jéssica Pascoal Santos
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O encarceramento em massa é um assunto atual no Brasil, levando-se em conta que, segundo os dados do World Prision Brief, centro de dados do Instituto de Pesquisa sobre Políticas de Crime e Justiça (ICPR) de Birkbeck, Universidade de Londres, nos tornamos o terceiro país com o maior número de presos no mundo. Apesar do número assustador de mais de 700 mil presos, pouco se tem feito para que estas pessoas, que sofrem com as precárias condições do cárcere, sejam reintegradas à sociedade. O Estado de São Paulo lidera entre os demais Estados, com mais de 200 mil presos. Desta forma, o presente trabalho busca discutir a existência e a abrangência de políticas públicas existentes no referido Estado. Para isso, num primeiro momento, é preciso identificar o que se entende por reintegração social e ressocialização, que são conceitos diferentes. Em seguida, é preciso verificar quais instrumentos legais versam sobre a reintegração social e o que elas determinam, bem como se estas leis estão sendo observadas e, por fim, iremos verificar se é possível reintegrar socialmente uma pessoa se valendo do sistema penitenciário, sempre tendo como base a Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental nº 347, conhecida como “Estado de Coisas Inconstitucional”.
Mass incarceration is a current issue in Brazil, taking into account that, according to data from the World Prison Brief, a data center of the Birkbeck Institute for Crime and Justice Policy Research (ICPR), University of London, we became the third country with the highest number of prisoners in the world. Despite the frightening number of more than 700 thousand prisoners, little has been done so that these people, who suffer from the precarious conditions of prison, are reintegrated into society. The state of São Paulo leads among the other states, with more than 200 thousand prisoners. Thus, the present work seeks to discuss the existence and scope of public policies existing in that state. For this, at first, it is necessary to identify what is meant by social reintegration and resocialization, which are different concepts. Then, it is necessary to verify which legal instruments deal with social reintegration and what they determine, as well as whether these laws are being observed and, finally, we will verify whether it is possible to socially reintegrate a person using the prison system, always taking into account as a basis the Arguition of Non-Compliance with Fundamental Precept nº 347, known as “Unconstitutional State of Things”.
Mass incarceration is a current issue in Brazil, taking into account that, according to data from the World Prison Brief, a data center of the Birkbeck Institute for Crime and Justice Policy Research (ICPR), University of London, we became the third country with the highest number of prisoners in the world. Despite the frightening number of more than 700 thousand prisoners, little has been done so that these people, who suffer from the precarious conditions of prison, are reintegrated into society. The state of São Paulo leads among the other states, with more than 200 thousand prisoners. Thus, the present work seeks to discuss the existence and scope of public policies existing in that state. For this, at first, it is necessary to identify what is meant by social reintegration and resocialization, which are different concepts. Then, it is necessary to verify which legal instruments deal with social reintegration and what they determine, as well as whether these laws are being observed and, finally, we will verify whether it is possible to socially reintegrate a person using the prison system, always taking into account as a basis the Arguition of Non-Compliance with Fundamental Precept nº 347, known as “Unconstitutional State of Things”.
reintegração social , encarceramento em massa , execução penal , São Paulo , ADPF 347 , social reintegration , mass incarceration , penal execution