Os impactos da Covid-19 nas relações locatícias
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Nasif, Lucas Bassi
Scavone Junior, Luiz Antônio
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O presente trabalho versa sobre os impactos causados pela pandemia do novo
coronavírus (Covid-19) nas relações locatícias. Primeiramente, será apresentado um histórico
acerca da relação locatícia. Na sequência, abordar-se-á a legislação que em regra regula as
locações no Brasil, qual seja, a Lei nº 8.245, de 18 de outubro de 1991. Depois, será exposto o
direito das obrigações, tema regulado pelo Código Civil Brasileiro, o qual trará dogmas conexos
e entre eles algo basilar para a sobrevivência das relações jurídicas: o Princípio do Pacta Sunt
Servanda. Dando continuidade, serão explorados os impactos causados pela pandemia da
Covid-19 nos contratos de locação, bem como dispositivos e legislações correlatas. Abordarse-
á também ao longo do texto, o dever de negociar entre as partes. Ainda, serão observadas as
teorias levantadas para afastamento de obrigações no âmbito da pandemia, dentre elas: a teoria
da imprevisão; da onerosidade excessiva; do desequilíbrio da relação contratual; e da força
maior. Ademais, serão destacados os pleitos realizados na prática como por exemplo a redução
do valor do aluguel. Por fim, serão trazidos julgados relacionados às mudanças ocorridas nas
relações contratuais, levando-se em consideração a realidade fática vivenciada em razão da
The present work deals with the impacts caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) in the relations involving lease agreements. First, a history of the tenancy relationship will be presented. In the sequence, the legislation that, as a rule, regulates leases in Brazil, that is, Law No. 8,245, of October 18, 1991, will be addressed. Then, the law of obligations will be exposed, a subject regulated by the Brazilian Civil Code, presenting related themes, such as a basic principle for the survival of legal relations, the Pacta Sunt Servanda principle. Continuing, the impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic on lease agreements, as well as related provisions and legislation, will be explored. The duty to negotiate between the parties will be addressed throughout the paper. Still, it will be talked about the theories raised for removal of obligations in the ambit of the pandemic, among them: theory of unpredictability, excessive burden, imbalance of the contractual relationship, and force majeure. Besides that, claims made in practice will be addressed, for example, reduction of the rent. Finally, judgments related to changes in contractual relations will be presented, considering the factual reality experienced due to the pandemic.
The present work deals with the impacts caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) in the relations involving lease agreements. First, a history of the tenancy relationship will be presented. In the sequence, the legislation that, as a rule, regulates leases in Brazil, that is, Law No. 8,245, of October 18, 1991, will be addressed. Then, the law of obligations will be exposed, a subject regulated by the Brazilian Civil Code, presenting related themes, such as a basic principle for the survival of legal relations, the Pacta Sunt Servanda principle. Continuing, the impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic on lease agreements, as well as related provisions and legislation, will be explored. The duty to negotiate between the parties will be addressed throughout the paper. Still, it will be talked about the theories raised for removal of obligations in the ambit of the pandemic, among them: theory of unpredictability, excessive burden, imbalance of the contractual relationship, and force majeure. Besides that, claims made in practice will be addressed, for example, reduction of the rent. Finally, judgments related to changes in contractual relations will be presented, considering the factual reality experienced due to the pandemic.
direito imobiliário , direito civil , contratos de locação , direito das obrigações , real estate law , civil law , lease agreements , law of obligations