Trabalho escravo contemporâneo: disputas em torno do conceito e os desafios para a sua delimitação terminológica
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Bento, Thais Regina de Oliveira
Siqueira Neto, José Francisco
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A presente pesquisa analisou as disputas em torno do conceito de trabalho escravo
contemporâneo e quais são os desafios para a sua delimitação terminológica. O estudo buscou
compreender as divergências interpretativas sobre essa prática, assim como as razões que
justificam a existência de posicionamentos distintos sobre as suas formas de execução. Para
tanto, foi necessário investigar os aspectos que caracterizam as suas modalidades, os atores
sociais que participam do seu processo de identificação e as modificações que o conceito sofreu
ao longo do tempo. É imprescindível levar em consideração que há uma disputa sociopolítica
sobre a definição desta terminologia, uma vez que o uso de diversas nomenclaturas interferem
nas interpretações quanto a abrangência dos aspectos centrais utilizados para caracterizar essa
violação. As concepções equivocadas sobre como esse fenômeno se manifesta também
produzem um impacto significativo na perspectiva dos indivíduos que se encontram em
situação de vulnerabilidade econômica e, portanto, são passíveis de se tornarem vítimas dessa
forma de exploração. A repressão ao trabalho escravo contemporâneo exige um posicionamento
harmônico entre as instituições e, para que se concretize um consenso sobre todos os aspectos
relacionados a essa temática, é imprescindível entender que esse é um fenômeno polissêmico
que evoluiu ao longo do tempo e é marcado por características que o aproximam e distanciam
de sua formação histórica.
This research analyzed the disputes around the concept of modern slavery and what challenges for its terminological delimitation are. The study aimed to understand the interpretative differences about this practice, as well as the reasons that justify the existence of different takes on its forms of execution. Therefore, it was necessary to investigate the aspects that characterize its modalities, the social actors that participate in the identification process, and the changes that the concept has undergone over time. It is essential to consider that there is a socio-political dispute over the definition of this terminology, since the use of different nomenclatures interfere in the interpretations regarding the scope of the central aspects used to characterize this violation. The misconceptions about how this phenomenon manifests also have a significant impact on the perspective of individuals who are in a situation of economic vulnerability, and, therefore, are likely to become victims of this form of exploitation. The repression of modern slavery requires a harmonious positioning between institutions and, in order to achieve a consensus on all aspects related to this theme, it is essential to understand that it is a polysemic phenomenon that has evolved over time, and is marked by characteristics that approximate and distance it from its historical formation.
This research analyzed the disputes around the concept of modern slavery and what challenges for its terminological delimitation are. The study aimed to understand the interpretative differences about this practice, as well as the reasons that justify the existence of different takes on its forms of execution. Therefore, it was necessary to investigate the aspects that characterize its modalities, the social actors that participate in the identification process, and the changes that the concept has undergone over time. It is essential to consider that there is a socio-political dispute over the definition of this terminology, since the use of different nomenclatures interfere in the interpretations regarding the scope of the central aspects used to characterize this violation. The misconceptions about how this phenomenon manifests also have a significant impact on the perspective of individuals who are in a situation of economic vulnerability, and, therefore, are likely to become victims of this form of exploitation. The repression of modern slavery requires a harmonious positioning between institutions and, in order to achieve a consensus on all aspects related to this theme, it is essential to understand that it is a polysemic phenomenon that has evolved over time, and is marked by characteristics that approximate and distance it from its historical formation.
trabalho escravo contemporâneo , disputas em torno do conceito , disputa sociopolítica , modern slavery , disputes around the concept , socio-political dispute