Teoria do terceiro cúmplice relatividade dos efeitos do contrato
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Zanichelli , Mayara Forstner
Padin, Camila Ferrara
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Este artigo científico tem por objetivo analisar, à luz do Código Civil brasileiro, a possibilidade de responsabilizar terceiros não envolvidos em uma relação contratual, mas que influenciaram ou participaram do inadimplemento de uma obrigação pré-existente. Para analisar a possibilidade da responsabilidade civil, foi estudada a evolução dos princípios que regem o direito contratual, com destaque à boa-fé objetiva e função social do contrato.
A oponibilidade do contrato possibilitou a mitigação do princípio da relatividade dos efeitos contratuais, permitindo que os terceiros cúmplices, que violarem direito alheio, sejam responsabilizados pelos seus atos de má-fé. Para tanto, o artigo também explora os requisitos e as formas para a responsabilidade ser caracterizada, eis que, em razão de sua natureza extracontratual, pré-requisitos específicos são exigidos.
De todo modo, conforme se demonstrará, os terceiros não podem mais se valer da premissa de que não estavam vinculados ao contrato para, dotados de conduta de má-fé, auxiliar no inadimplemento de outra relação jurídica.
This scientific article aims to analyze, considering the Brazilian Civil Code, the possibility of holding third parties liable, all those who are not actually involved in a contract, who influence or participate in the breach of a pre-existing obligation. In order to analyze the possibility of liability, the evolution of the principles that govern contractual law was studied, with emphasis on objective good faith and the social function of the contract. The enforceability of the contract made it possible to mitigate the principle of relativity of contractual effects, allowing third party accomplices who violate other people's rights to be held liable for their acts of bad faith. To this end, the article also explores the requirements and the forms in which liability may be established, given that, due to its extra-contractual nature, specific prerequisites are required. In any case, as will be demonstrated, third parties can no longer use the premise that they were not bound by the contract in order to, with bad faith conduct, assist in the default of another.
This scientific article aims to analyze, considering the Brazilian Civil Code, the possibility of holding third parties liable, all those who are not actually involved in a contract, who influence or participate in the breach of a pre-existing obligation. In order to analyze the possibility of liability, the evolution of the principles that govern contractual law was studied, with emphasis on objective good faith and the social function of the contract. The enforceability of the contract made it possible to mitigate the principle of relativity of contractual effects, allowing third party accomplices who violate other people's rights to be held liable for their acts of bad faith. To this end, the article also explores the requirements and the forms in which liability may be established, given that, due to its extra-contractual nature, specific prerequisites are required. In any case, as will be demonstrated, third parties can no longer use the premise that they were not bound by the contract in order to, with bad faith conduct, assist in the default of another.
princípios , relatividade , responsabilidade , terceiro cúmplice , principles , relativism , responsibility , third party accomplice