Vadios: relatório de pesquisa para desenvolvimento de livro-reportagem-perfil com jornalismo poético na abordagem das diferentes violências a que são submetidos indivíduos violentos
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Silva, Amanda Sthephanie
Sandano, Carlos Eduardo
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No jornalismo tradicional, o estado de violência divide indivíduos em bons ou maus,
bem como na sociedade contemporânea. Este trabalho, no entanto, foge às
polaridades ao reconhecer corpos políticos complexos e os contextos em que estão
inseridos, identificando violências que se dão por força ou que se dão por privação.
Com base nesses tipos de violação, a pesquisa destrincha as condições de violência
no ser humano, dados seus contextos sociais, culturais, econômicos, geográficos e
raciais, entendendo que violência por força se enconcontra com a violência por
privação, culminando num ciclo de inflamação que gera o indivíduo socialmente
violento. Nesse sentido, entende-se que não basta associar o corpo social às suas
transgressões, conforme as regras da sociedade, mas também avaliar as
contravenções que foram naturalizadas num sistema historicamente violento que age
mais rígido sobre as parcelas socialmente vulneráveis, as mesmas que se tornam as
In traditional journalism, the state of violence divides individuals into good or bad, as well as into contemporary society. This work, however, escapes the polarities by recognizing complex political bodies and the contexts in which they are inserted, identifying violence that occurs by force and violence that occurs by deprivation. Based on these types of violations, the research uncovers the conditions of violence in the human being, given their social, cultural, economic, geographic and racial contexts, understanding that violence by force is met with violence by deprivation, culminating in a cycle of inflammation that generates the socially violent individual. In this sense, it is understood that it is not enough to associate the social body with its transgressions, according to the rules of society, but also to evaluate the contraventions that were naturalized in a historically violent system that acts more rigidly on the socially vulnerable portions, the same that become the aggressive ones.
In traditional journalism, the state of violence divides individuals into good or bad, as well as into contemporary society. This work, however, escapes the polarities by recognizing complex political bodies and the contexts in which they are inserted, identifying violence that occurs by force and violence that occurs by deprivation. Based on these types of violations, the research uncovers the conditions of violence in the human being, given their social, cultural, economic, geographic and racial contexts, understanding that violence by force is met with violence by deprivation, culminating in a cycle of inflammation that generates the socially violent individual. In this sense, it is understood that it is not enough to associate the social body with its transgressions, according to the rules of society, but also to evaluate the contraventions that were naturalized in a historically violent system that acts more rigidly on the socially vulnerable portions, the same that become the aggressive ones.
violência , jornalismo , vulnerabilidade , violence , journalism , vulnerability