RE(habitar) o centro: o projeto arquitetônico como articulador urbano e social
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Prado, Vitória Colsato
Fehr, Lucas
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O tema proposto é resultado de uma reflexão sobre a democratização do espaço e das oportunidades. Surge de uma vontade pessoal de pensar a cidade a partir da
inclusão social e de tentar criar um espaço acolhedor e de possibilidades. O intuito desta monografia se baseia na compreensão do direito à cidade, entendido também como
direito à habitação e ao espaço compartilhado. Propõe-se uma reflexão crítica sobre
esse direito, além de uma leitura sensível sobre as formas de apropriação da cidade.
Assim, através do entendimento da formação do centro de São Paulo, seus conflitos, e espaços, que o configuram como ele se apresenta hoje, o trabalho busca, na forma de ensaio, propor uma arquitetura que componha uma paisagem urbana baseada na sociabilidade e na experimentação de um espaço democrático, denso e diverso.
Entende-se que uma intervenção pontual não seria capaz de sozinha transformar o
centro da cidade. Porém, mesmo com o projeto se desenvolvendo em apenas uma parcela
da região, ele é pensado dentro da possibilidade do estabelecimento de uma rede de projetos de habitações e equipamentos que complementam o morar, no anseio de se criar locais de encontro, de socialização e de trocas, propiciando uma forma de re-ocupar o centro.
The proposed theme is the result of a reflection on the democratization of space and opportunities. It arises from a personal will to think the city from the social inclusion perspective and to try to create a space that is welcoming and with possibilities. The purpose of this monograph is based on the understanding of the right to the city, also understood by the right to housing and the right to shared space. A critical reflection is proposed about this right, as well as a sensitive reading on the forms of appropriation of the city. Thereby, through the understanding of the emergence of the center of São Paulo, its conflicts, and spaces, that configure it as it presents itself today, this work seeks, in the form of an essay, to propose an architecture that compose an urban landscape based on the sociability and on the experimentation of a democratic, dense and diverse space. It is understood that a punctual intervention would not be able to transform the center of the city by itself. However, even with the project being developed in only a portion of the region, it is thought within the possibility of establishing a network of housing projects and equipment that complement housing, in the desire to create gathering places, of socialization and exchanges, providing a way to re-occupy the center.
The proposed theme is the result of a reflection on the democratization of space and opportunities. It arises from a personal will to think the city from the social inclusion perspective and to try to create a space that is welcoming and with possibilities. The purpose of this monograph is based on the understanding of the right to the city, also understood by the right to housing and the right to shared space. A critical reflection is proposed about this right, as well as a sensitive reading on the forms of appropriation of the city. Thereby, through the understanding of the emergence of the center of São Paulo, its conflicts, and spaces, that configure it as it presents itself today, this work seeks, in the form of an essay, to propose an architecture that compose an urban landscape based on the sociability and on the experimentation of a democratic, dense and diverse space. It is understood that a punctual intervention would not be able to transform the center of the city by itself. However, even with the project being developed in only a portion of the region, it is thought within the possibility of establishing a network of housing projects and equipment that complement housing, in the desire to create gathering places, of socialization and exchanges, providing a way to re-occupy the center.
habitação , direito à cidade , uso misto , moradia , espaço democrático , espaço compartilhado , espaço público , housing , right to the city , mixed use , habitation , democratic space , shared space , public space