O aspecto temático-atemporal em narrativas de terror
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Dubra, Santiago Daniel
Corrêa, Lilian Cristina
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Os seres humanos contam histórias desde seu surgimento, como uma maneira de compreender e entrar em harmonia com o mundo ao seu redor, tornando o contexto um fator de influência na construção de narrativas. Portanto, surge o questionamento de como narrativas produzidas em diferentes períodos e locais possuem ressonância com leitores de diferentes contextos, com a recorrência de elementos temáticos semelhantes em narrativas mitológicas de diferentes locais nos permitindo levantar a hipótese da existência de problemáticas humanas e universais, que se manifestam em narrativas durante toda a trajetória da humanidade. Este trabalho de conclusão de curso teve como objetivo analisar os romances Frankenstein, ou o Prometeu Moderno (1818) de Mary Shelley, O Médico e o monstro (1886) de Robert Louis Stevenson e Drácula (1897) de Bram Stoker, vista a influência das obras na cultura popular contemporânea e sua presença recorrente como ícones narrativos, apesar da publicação que data mais de um século. Esta análise pauta-se nas teorizações de Joseph Campbell (1991), José Luiz Fiorin (2016), Antônio Candido (2006), Martha Nussbaum (2010), Stuart Hall (2005) e Jerrold E. Hogle (2002) com o intuito de estabelecer paralelos entre as temáticas apresentadas nas obras e problemáticas da sociedade contemporânea como maneira de comprovar o aspecto temático-atemporal nestas narrativas.
Humans tell stories since they came to exist to understand and come into harmony with the world around them, therefore making the context a factor of influence in the construction of narratives. Therefore, a question arises as to how stories written in different periods and places possess a resonance with readers from different contexts, with the recurrence of similar thematic elements in mythologic narratives in different places allowing us to create the hypothesis of the existence of universal human problematics that manifest themselves in narratives throughout humanity’s history. This undergraduate program completion thesis has the objective of analyzing the following novels: Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus (1818) by Mary Shelley, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) by Robert Louis Stevenson and Dracula (1897) by Bram Stoker, considering their influence on contemporary pop culture and their recurring presence as narrative icons, despite their publishing being more than a century ago. This analysis was made through the theories of Joseph Campbell (1991), José Luiz Fiorin (2016), Antônio Candido (2006), Martha Nussbaum (2010), Stuart Hall (2005) and Jerrold E. Hogle (2002) with the objective of establishing points of comparison among the themes on the novels and issues in the contemporary society to prove the timeless-thematic aspect from these narratives.
Humans tell stories since they came to exist to understand and come into harmony with the world around them, therefore making the context a factor of influence in the construction of narratives. Therefore, a question arises as to how stories written in different periods and places possess a resonance with readers from different contexts, with the recurrence of similar thematic elements in mythologic narratives in different places allowing us to create the hypothesis of the existence of universal human problematics that manifest themselves in narratives throughout humanity’s history. This undergraduate program completion thesis has the objective of analyzing the following novels: Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus (1818) by Mary Shelley, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) by Robert Louis Stevenson and Dracula (1897) by Bram Stoker, considering their influence on contemporary pop culture and their recurring presence as narrative icons, despite their publishing being more than a century ago. This analysis was made through the theories of Joseph Campbell (1991), José Luiz Fiorin (2016), Antônio Candido (2006), Martha Nussbaum (2010), Stuart Hall (2005) and Jerrold E. Hogle (2002) with the objective of establishing points of comparison among the themes on the novels and issues in the contemporary society to prove the timeless-thematic aspect from these narratives.
temático , atemporal , Frankenstein , O Médico e o Monstro , Drácula , thematic , timeless , Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde