Convenção n° 169/OIT e direito à consulta: perspectiva das populações e comunidades tradicionais brasileiras em unidades de conservação e terras tradicionalmente ocupadas
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Butignoli, Júlia
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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Por mais louvável e moralmente necessária a defesa dos direitos dos Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais, que, em muitas ocasiões, possuem vínculos culturais estabelecidos com as terras onde vivem e das quais tiram seu sustento, - certos Povos e Comunidades remontam aos tempos anteriores ao descobrimento do Brasil - determinadas disposições da Convenção nº 169 da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (que terão sua devida análise e espaço no decorrer deste trabalho) colocam em xeque os patrimônios naturais - resguardados e protegidos por políticas de conservação, como as Unidades de Conservação (UC´s) das nações em que se encontram estabelecidas. Propõe-se uma reflexão sobre algumas de suas conquistas e determinados desafios que permanecem. Será desdobrado, de forma modesta o direito formal, protagonizando um importante campo de atuação dos Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais. Marcos legais e legislações vigentes serão abordados, caracterizados como forma de luta por território, cultura e autodeterminação. Neste trabalho, tenho como foco explanar e refletir sobre a luta diária que Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais têm protagonizado em defesa dos seus territórios, em meio a um modelo de capitalismo severo, excludente e em grande parte, desigual. Por fim, faz-se uma reflexão geral sobre o Protocolo de Consulta Munduruku, a luz dos temas abordados. O embasamento do trabalho partiu de revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema.
The defense of rights of traditional peoples and communities, which cultural ties with the areas in which they live and from which they make their living are very strong, - some of that traditional communities date even back to the times before the discovery of Brazil - , as much as a commendable and morally correct iniciative, is being intimidated by some dispositions of the Convention No. 169 adopted by the International Labour Organization – ILO (which will be analyzed later in this paper), because it threatens the natural heritage - protected by conservation policies, such as conservation units of the nations in which they are located. A reflection on some of that communities’ achievements and some remaining challenges is proposed. The rights of those people will be unfolded, leading to an important field of action of the traditional peoples and communities. Current legal frameworks and regulations will also be addressed, characterized as a form of struggle for territory, culture and self-determination. In this paper, we focus on explaining the daily struggle of traditional peoples and communities in defense of their territories, during a severe, exclusionary and largely unequal model of capitalism. Finally, a general reflection is made on the Munduruku Consultation Protocol, in the light of the topics addressed. The basis of this paper is a bibliographic review.
The defense of rights of traditional peoples and communities, which cultural ties with the areas in which they live and from which they make their living are very strong, - some of that traditional communities date even back to the times before the discovery of Brazil - , as much as a commendable and morally correct iniciative, is being intimidated by some dispositions of the Convention No. 169 adopted by the International Labour Organization – ILO (which will be analyzed later in this paper), because it threatens the natural heritage - protected by conservation policies, such as conservation units of the nations in which they are located. A reflection on some of that communities’ achievements and some remaining challenges is proposed. The rights of those people will be unfolded, leading to an important field of action of the traditional peoples and communities. Current legal frameworks and regulations will also be addressed, characterized as a form of struggle for territory, culture and self-determination. In this paper, we focus on explaining the daily struggle of traditional peoples and communities in defense of their territories, during a severe, exclusionary and largely unequal model of capitalism. Finally, a general reflection is made on the Munduruku Consultation Protocol, in the light of the topics addressed. The basis of this paper is a bibliographic review.
povos e comunidades tradicionais , direito territorial , convenção nº 169/OIT , convention No. 169/ILO , traditional peoples and communities , territorial law