Relações contratuais assimétricas e poder econômico: um estudo sobre a hipossuficiência das pequenas empresas no mercado

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Osório, Carlos Willians
Masso, Fabiano Dolenc Del
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Membros da banca
Pires, Antonio Cecílio Moreira
Bagnoli, Vicente
Caldas, Camilo Onoda Luiz
Viva, Rafael Quaresma
Direito Político e Econômico
The existence and numerical superiority of small businesses are the embodiment of a country marked by deep historical and social inequalities. This is the segment that represents the resistance of the lower classes to the economic power of large organizations, forming significant supporting pillar of the economy, both the number of establishments, as for its ability to create jobs - proven historical facts and statistically. For this reason, they become deserving of state protection in order to ensure their coexistence in the market, especially when contracting with larger enterprises, at which such relationships can prove to be asymmetric. Based on this finding, the study limitation includes understanding the asymmetry lining the contractual relations of small businesses, combined with the need to create a business protection system, incident situations that need.
economia de subsistência , pequena empresa , relações contratuais assimétricas , tratamento favorecido e diferenciado , sistema de proteção empresarial
Assuntos Scopus
OSÓRIO, Carlos Willians. Relações contratuais assimétricas e poder econômico: um estudo sobre a hipossuficiência das pequenas empresas no mercado. 2018. 217 f. Tese (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.