Discurso de ódio político contra minorias
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Silva, Guilherme de Oliveira
Almeida, Silvio Luiz de
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma análise dos danos causados pelo discurso
de ódio praticado contra grupos de minorias, mais especificamente sobre o discurso de ódio
praticado em campanhas políticas, levando em conta a responsabilidade do Estado na
reparação dos possíveis danos causados. Nesse sentido, será feito um estudo do conceito de
minorias, discurso de ódio e discurso de ódio político, sempre com o foco na reparação dos
danos causados. Para melhor compreensão serão examinados contextos históricos, bem como
fatos que ocorreram em campanhas políticas e como o combate ao ataque a grupos de
minorias é feito por autores como Flávia Piovesan e MacKinnon, que abordam o tema de
discurso de ódio com visões completamente diferentes. No mais, será demonstrado os limites
da liberdade de expressão, analisando assim quando que um discurso deixa de se adentrar no
conceito de liberdade de expressão, passando a se caracterizar como discurso de ódio. Para
isso, serão utilizados diversos argumentos de autores que tratam do assunto, levando em conta
o mercado livre de ideias, junto à proteção dos direitos das minorias e a necessidade de se
preservar o princípio da dignidade humana. Ademais, toda e qualquer conclusão do trabalho
será baseada também em tratados internacionais de direitos humanos e de proteção dos
direitos às minorias.
The present work intends to analyze the damage caused by hate speech against minority groups, specifically the hate speech practiced in political campaigns, taking into account the State's responsibility to repair possible damage caused. In this sense, a study will be made of the concept of minorities, hate speech and political hate speech, always focusing on repairing the damage caused. For a better understanding, historical contexts will be examined, as well as facts that occurred in political campaigns and how the fight against attack on minority groups is done by authors such as Flávia Piovesan and MacKinnon, who approach the subject of hate speech with completely different views. In addition, the limits of freedom of expression will be demonstrated, thus analyzing when a discourse no longer fits into the concept of freedom of expression, becoming characterized as hate speech. To this end, several arguments will be used by authors dealing with the subject, taking into account the free market of ideas, along with the protection of minority rights and the need to preserve the principle of human dignity. In addition, any conclusion of the work will also be based on international human rights and minority rights treaties.
The present work intends to analyze the damage caused by hate speech against minority groups, specifically the hate speech practiced in political campaigns, taking into account the State's responsibility to repair possible damage caused. In this sense, a study will be made of the concept of minorities, hate speech and political hate speech, always focusing on repairing the damage caused. For a better understanding, historical contexts will be examined, as well as facts that occurred in political campaigns and how the fight against attack on minority groups is done by authors such as Flávia Piovesan and MacKinnon, who approach the subject of hate speech with completely different views. In addition, the limits of freedom of expression will be demonstrated, thus analyzing when a discourse no longer fits into the concept of freedom of expression, becoming characterized as hate speech. To this end, several arguments will be used by authors dealing with the subject, taking into account the free market of ideas, along with the protection of minority rights and the need to preserve the principle of human dignity. In addition, any conclusion of the work will also be based on international human rights and minority rights treaties.
discurso de ódio minorias , direitos humanos , hate speech minorities , human rights