Cumprimento de sentença para cobrança de alimentos – das medidas atípicas como alternativa à prisão civil
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Acipreste, Paula Mello Pandini
Aguirre, João Ricardo Brandão
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Os alimentos legais, frequentemente, para serem satisfeitos, demandarão da fase de execução, sendo que a lei permite a prisão civil do devedor, na tentativa de compeli-lo ao adimplemento. Entretanto, nem sempre esse instrumento é eficaz para que o executado cumpra com o dever alimentar. Assim, o magistrado poderá valer-se de meios atípicos para tentar alcançar a satisfação do crédito, dentre outras ferramentas facultadas ao credor. Compreendendo este escopo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o cumprimento de sentença no que tange à efetividade das medidas coercitivas impostas pelo Estado ao executado inadimplente com foco na prisão civil e na aplicação das medidas atípicas. Aliado a isso, pretende-se examinar a prestação de alimentos para além do sustento físico, na perspectiva de sua relevância para promover dignidade àqueles que não têm condição de, por si só, arcar com a própria subsistência. Busca-se, ainda, compreender qual a melhor forma de satisfazer o débito alimentar, tanto para credor, quanto para o devedor, que também deverá ter sua dignidade respeitada, de modo a conferir equilíbrio à relação jurídica.
The legal provisions, often, to be satisfied, will demand from the execution phase, being that the law allows the civil debtor of the debtor, in an attempt to compel him to the performance. However, this instrument is not always effective for the executioner to comply with the food obligation. Thus, the magistrate can use atypical means to try to achieve credit satisfaction, among other tools provided to the creditor. Understanding this scope, the present work aims to analyze the compliance with the sentence regarding the effectiveness of the coercive measures imposed by the State on the defaulter executed with a focus on civil prison and the application of atypical measures. Allied to this, it is intended to examine the provision of food in addition to physical sustenance, in the perspective of its relevance to promote dignity to those who cannot afford to live on their own. It also seeks to understand the best way to satisfy the food debt, both for the creditor and for the debtor, who must also have their dignity respected, in order to balance the legal relationship.
The legal provisions, often, to be satisfied, will demand from the execution phase, being that the law allows the civil debtor of the debtor, in an attempt to compel him to the performance. However, this instrument is not always effective for the executioner to comply with the food obligation. Thus, the magistrate can use atypical means to try to achieve credit satisfaction, among other tools provided to the creditor. Understanding this scope, the present work aims to analyze the compliance with the sentence regarding the effectiveness of the coercive measures imposed by the State on the defaulter executed with a focus on civil prison and the application of atypical measures. Allied to this, it is intended to examine the provision of food in addition to physical sustenance, in the perspective of its relevance to promote dignity to those who cannot afford to live on their own. It also seeks to understand the best way to satisfy the food debt, both for the creditor and for the debtor, who must also have their dignity respected, in order to balance the legal relationship.
alimentos legais , inadimplemento , cumprimento de sentença , prisão civil , legal provisions , default , sentence compliance , civil imprisonment