Um diálogo entre as constru[(a)ções] da percepção negativa do negro na sociedade brasileira e a exposição “Histórias Afro-Atlânticas” como plataforma de con[ver]s[ações] de mudança dessa percepção
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Caetano, Sheila Cristina Silva Aragão
Schwartz, Rosana Maria Pires Barbato
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Souza Neto, João Clemente de
Pederiva, Ana Barbara Aparecida
Pederiva, Ana Barbara Aparecida
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
razilian society has made black follow a path of negative perception due to historical and cultural processes that, in general, hinder their acceptance and recognition; while enerating visibility to be identified as a target and to be marginalized, for as much as generating a kind of social, cultural and economic invisibility.
This dissertation aims to show the actions that built the social imagination of black people in Brazilian society and also to dialogue with the art actions in museums in order to enjoy them for the softening of racism, since it is structural and, therefore, permeates several layers, and so it is not simple to solve. For this, the exhibition “Afro- Atlantic Stories” (“Histórias Afro-Atlânticas”) was used as a research tool.
The theoretical framework for problematizing black people in Brazil passed it through Florestan Fernandes, Alberto Guerreiro Ramos, Silvio de Almeida and Adilson Moreira. To understand and for a better understanding of how art can be a transforming way of the perception constructed of black in Brazilian society, the purposes of art were investigated from the methodological theoretical perspective of Ernst Cassier and Tamuu Mäki. As well as the Oral History method for obtaining practical results from this theory.
exposição “Histórias Afro-Atlânticas” , racismo , negro , arte , sociedade brasileira
Assuntos Scopus
CAETANO, Sheila Cristina Silva Aragão. Um diálogo entre as constru[(a)ções] da percepção negativa do negro na sociedade brasileira e a exposição “Histórias Afro-Atlânticas” como plataforma de con[ver]s[ações] de mudança dessa percepção. 2020. 177 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.