Direito de greve
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Citações (Scopus)
Fortes, Giovanna Cristina
Zimmermann Neto, Carlos Frederico
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo sobre o direito de greve,
direito fundamental garantido constitucionalmente para a sociedade, que regula a capacidade
dos trabalhadores de se organizarem para reivindicar melhores condições de trabalho, mas,
como os demais direitos, este também não é absoluto, pois deve respeitar o ordenamento
jurídico, devendo prevalecer a supremacia do interesse público sobre o privado.
Assim, o presente trabalho busca de forma objetiva contextualizar o surgimento e o
desenvolvimento do direito de greve trazendo as modalidades e formas que o movimento deve
ser deflagrado, evitando a abusividade grevista, bem como o mesmo também explora a prática
de lockout utilizada pelos empregadores.
The present work aims to present a study on the right to strike, a fundamental right constitutionally guaranteed for a society, which regulates the ability of workers to organize themselves to demand the best working conditions, but, like other rights, this is also not absolute, as it must respect the legal system, and the supremacy of the public interest over the private must prevail. Thus, the objective form is sought to contextualize by the ways of using the form of work and the development of the movement must be the mode of exploration, also the objective form, as well as the same use of the use of the form of work.
The present work aims to present a study on the right to strike, a fundamental right constitutionally guaranteed for a society, which regulates the ability of workers to organize themselves to demand the best working conditions, but, like other rights, this is also not absolute, as it must respect the legal system, and the supremacy of the public interest over the private must prevail. Thus, the objective form is sought to contextualize by the ways of using the form of work and the development of the movement must be the mode of exploration, also the objective form, as well as the same use of the use of the form of work.
greve , direito trabalhista , greve abusiva , strike , labor law , abusive strike