O greenwashing enquanto publicidade enganosa ambiental
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Leite, Larissa Fiusa
Francisco, João Eberhardt
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Considerando que o consumo está sendo cada vez mais estimulado, surge a necessidade de se pensar em um modelo de consumo e descarte mais sustentáveis e conscientes, uma vez que seus impactos ambientais são severos, e que a prática do Greenwashing se aproveita desse problema, vendendo a ideia de produtos ou serviços verdes, quando na realidade não há efetivo cuidado com o meio ambiente, e o agente não busca minimizar seus impactos ambientais, pesquisa-se sobre a possibilidade de se enquadrar a lavagem verde enquanto publicidade enganosa, vedada pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor, a fim de verificar se há uma proteção ao consumidor contra essa prática no ordenamento jurídico. Para tanto, é necessário primeiramente conceituar o que é o Greenwashing e estabelecer seus mecanismos, avaliar a proteção da sustentabilidade pelo direito, e por fim, verificar os direitos básicos do consumidor, bem como os princípios que os norteiam, para avaliar se há proteção jurídica contra a maquiagem verde. Realiza-se, então, uma pesquisa bibliográfica, por meio de método inicialmente dedutivo. Diante disso, verifica-se que partindo dos conceitos de Greenwashing e da proteção conferida ao consumidor contra publicidade enganosa e práticas abusivas, e a relação entre o consumo e o meio ambiente, ambos juridicamente tutelados, impõe-se a constatação de que é possível o enquadramento da lavagem verde enquanto publicidade enganosa nos termos da Lei nº 8.078/1990, sendo, ainda, que a prática fere o princípio da transparência presente na norma legal.
Considering that consumption is being increasingly stimulated, there is a need to think of a more conscious and sustainable model of consumption and disposal, since its environmental impacts are severe, and that the practice of Greenwashing takes advantage of this problem, selling the idea of green products or services, when in reality there is none effective careship with the environment, or the agent does not seek to minimize its environmental impacts, it was researched on the possibility of fitting green washing as misleading advertising, sealed by the Consumer Defense Code, in order to verify whether there is consumer protection against this practice in the legal system. To do so, it is necessary to first conceptualize what Greenwashing is and establish its mechanisms, evaluate the protection of sustainability by law, and finally, verify the basic rights of the consumer, as well as the principles that guide them, to assess whether there is legal protection against Greenwashing. A bibliographic research is then carried out by means of an initially deductive method. Therefore, it is verified that starting from the concepts of Greenwashing and the protection conferred on consumers against misleading advertising and abusive practices, and the relationship between consumption and the environment, both legally protected, it is necessary to find that it is possible to frame greenwashing as misleading advertising under Law 8.078/1990, considering that this practice violates the principle of transparency in the legal standard.
Considering that consumption is being increasingly stimulated, there is a need to think of a more conscious and sustainable model of consumption and disposal, since its environmental impacts are severe, and that the practice of Greenwashing takes advantage of this problem, selling the idea of green products or services, when in reality there is none effective careship with the environment, or the agent does not seek to minimize its environmental impacts, it was researched on the possibility of fitting green washing as misleading advertising, sealed by the Consumer Defense Code, in order to verify whether there is consumer protection against this practice in the legal system. To do so, it is necessary to first conceptualize what Greenwashing is and establish its mechanisms, evaluate the protection of sustainability by law, and finally, verify the basic rights of the consumer, as well as the principles that guide them, to assess whether there is legal protection against Greenwashing. A bibliographic research is then carried out by means of an initially deductive method. Therefore, it is verified that starting from the concepts of Greenwashing and the protection conferred on consumers against misleading advertising and abusive practices, and the relationship between consumption and the environment, both legally protected, it is necessary to find that it is possible to frame greenwashing as misleading advertising under Law 8.078/1990, considering that this practice violates the principle of transparency in the legal standard.
greenwashing , consumidor , sustentabilidade ambiental , publicidade enganosa , consumer , environmental sustainability , misleading publicity , transparency