Responsabilidade penal nos crimes virtuais
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Peixoto, Camila Martins de Mello
Petean, Fabiano Augusto
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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido através da pesquisa sobre a evolução dos meios digitais diante da iminente mudança que era da tecnologia e da informação nos trouxe, aumentando consideravelmente a vulnerabilidade e exposição dos usuários e de seus dados, em razão das facilidades advindas pela internet, que acabam gerando oportunidade aos criminosos de cometerem os chamados crimes virtuais ou cibercrimes. No Brasil, os ataques cibernéticos estão cada dia mais evoluídos e sofisticados, sendo muitos deles evolução de crimes comuns do passado como o sequestro, por exemplo, deixando as vítimas de serem apenas pessoas comuns, físicas, para empresas e até mesmo sistemas governamentais de enorme segurança. A fim de erradicar tais problemas e proteger os usuários que diante da vulnerabilidade e da sensação de anonimidade gerada pela internet podem tornar-se vítimas desses crimes, foram elaboradas leis que vem aos poucos mostrando-se promissoras no combate desses delitos. Com a iminente necessidade de informar aos indivíduos os graves riscos os quais eles estão diariamente expostos e protege-los em virtude dos riscos da rede virtual, a abordagem dos direitos fundamentais reconhecidos e previstos pela Constituição Federal de 1988, da liberdade de expressão junto ao princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e livre manifestação de pensamento que embora seja a base da democracia, diante do exponencial aumento destes crimes, não podemos fechar os olhos e permitir que os criminos desrespeitem outro direito fundamental de igual importância. Para além, dentro da perspectiva deste artigo foi adotada uma linha de pesquisa com intuito de demonstrar os efeitos e a evolução destes crimes advindos da internet e o direito à liberdade de expressão assegurado por nossa atual Constituição em respeito ao princípio da dignidade humana. Abordaremos ainda a existência da proteção jurídica e as leis pertinentes aplicadas aos abusos e delitos praticados na internet.
The present article was developed through research on the evolution of digital media in face of the imminent change that the era of technology and information has brought us, considerably increasing the vulnerability and exposure of users and their data, due to the facilities provided by the internet, which end up creating opportunities for criminals to commit the so-called virtual crimes or cybercrimes. In Brazil, cyber-attacks are becoming more evolved and sophisticated every day, many of them evolving from common crimes of the past, such as kidnapping, for example, and the victims are no longer just ordinary people, individuals, but companies and even government systems of enormous security. In order to eradicate such problems and protect users who, due to the vulnerability and the feeling of anonymity generated by the Internet, may become victims of these crimes, laws have been drafted that are slowly showing promise in the fight against these crimes. With the imminent need to inform individuals of the serious risks to which they are daily exposed and protect them due to the risks of the virtual network, the approach of the fundamental rights recognized and provided by the Federal Constitution of 1988, the freedom of speech along with the principle of human dignity and free expression of thought that although it is the basis of democracy, facing the exponential increase of these crimes, we cannot close our eyes and allow criminals to disrespect another fundamental right of equal importance. Furthermore, within the perspective of this article, a line of research was adopted with the purpose of demonstrating the effects and the evolution of these crimes originating from the internet and the right to freedom of expression assured by our current Constitution in respect to the principle of human dignity. We will also address the existence of legal protection and the pertinent laws applied to abuses and crimes committed on the internet.
The present article was developed through research on the evolution of digital media in face of the imminent change that the era of technology and information has brought us, considerably increasing the vulnerability and exposure of users and their data, due to the facilities provided by the internet, which end up creating opportunities for criminals to commit the so-called virtual crimes or cybercrimes. In Brazil, cyber-attacks are becoming more evolved and sophisticated every day, many of them evolving from common crimes of the past, such as kidnapping, for example, and the victims are no longer just ordinary people, individuals, but companies and even government systems of enormous security. In order to eradicate such problems and protect users who, due to the vulnerability and the feeling of anonymity generated by the Internet, may become victims of these crimes, laws have been drafted that are slowly showing promise in the fight against these crimes. With the imminent need to inform individuals of the serious risks to which they are daily exposed and protect them due to the risks of the virtual network, the approach of the fundamental rights recognized and provided by the Federal Constitution of 1988, the freedom of speech along with the principle of human dignity and free expression of thought that although it is the basis of democracy, facing the exponential increase of these crimes, we cannot close our eyes and allow criminals to disrespect another fundamental right of equal importance. Furthermore, within the perspective of this article, a line of research was adopted with the purpose of demonstrating the effects and the evolution of these crimes originating from the internet and the right to freedom of expression assured by our current Constitution in respect to the principle of human dignity. We will also address the existence of legal protection and the pertinent laws applied to abuses and crimes committed on the internet.
democracia , combate , exponencial , cybercrime , freedom of expression , internet