O elemento subjetivo dos atos de improbidade administrativa
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Sanga, Rodrigo Moreira
Pires, Antônio Cecílio Moreira
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Realizaremos uma análise dos elementos necessários para a configuração dos atos de improbidade administrativa, adotando como ponto de partida a Constituição Federal, que traça os objetivos fundamentais do Estado brasileiro, sem desprestígio dos princípios basilares do direito administrativo para, ao final, chegarmos á caracterização do ato de administrativa.
Por oportuno, estudaremos também a evolução normativa do combate repressivo à improbidade administrativa, para chegarmos ao ordenamento atual, representado por dispositivos constitucionais e pela Lei n° 8.429/1992, conhecida como “Lei de Improbidade Administrativa”.
Nesse contexto, faremos uma breve análise pelos principais aspectos materiais da lei, alertando, ao leitor, desde logo, que deixaremos de lado as questões de caráter puramente processuais, restringindo o nosso estudo aos sujeitos ativo e passivo do ato de improbidade, suas espécies, com respectivas penas, desenvolvendo algumas reflexões sobre os institutos do dolo e da culpa.
Por derradeiro, centraremos nossos esforços na análise das espécies de atos de improbidade administrativa para, ao final, analisarmos o tipo subjetivo admitido em cada modalidade, bem como a maneira com que a jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça trata desses temas.
We will perform an analysis of the necessary elements for shaping administrative dishonesty acts, taking the Federal Constitution as a starting point, which traces the fundamental goals of the Brazilian State, without discrediting the basilar principles of the administrative right, so that, in the end, we get to a description of the administrative act. Appropriately, we will also study the normative evolution of the repressive fight against the administrative dishonesty, until we get to the current order, represented by constitutional provisions and the Law n° 8.429/1992, known as “Administrative Dishonesty Law”. In this context, we will perform a brief analysis through the main material aspects of the law, soon warning the reader that purely procedural matters will be left aside, limiting our studies to the active and passive subjects of the dishonesty act and their types, with their respective penalties, developing some thoughts about the deceit and guilt institutes. Lastly, we will center our efforts on the analysis of the kinds of dishonesty acts so that, in the end, we can analyze the subjective type admitted in each modality, as well as the way in which the Superior Court of Justice’s jurisprudence deals with these themes.
We will perform an analysis of the necessary elements for shaping administrative dishonesty acts, taking the Federal Constitution as a starting point, which traces the fundamental goals of the Brazilian State, without discrediting the basilar principles of the administrative right, so that, in the end, we get to a description of the administrative act. Appropriately, we will also study the normative evolution of the repressive fight against the administrative dishonesty, until we get to the current order, represented by constitutional provisions and the Law n° 8.429/1992, known as “Administrative Dishonesty Law”. In this context, we will perform a brief analysis through the main material aspects of the law, soon warning the reader that purely procedural matters will be left aside, limiting our studies to the active and passive subjects of the dishonesty act and their types, with their respective penalties, developing some thoughts about the deceit and guilt institutes. Lastly, we will center our efforts on the analysis of the kinds of dishonesty acts so that, in the end, we can analyze the subjective type admitted in each modality, as well as the way in which the Superior Court of Justice’s jurisprudence deals with these themes.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2018.
improbidade administrativa , dolo , culpa , sanção , administrative dishonesty acts , deceit , guilt , sanction