Implicações constitucionais da formulação de projetos de lei estaduais para implantação de multa por fake news sobre Covid-19
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Rubira, Gabrielle Cristina
Casseb, Paulo Adib
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O fenômeno das fake news é uma realidade do mundo contemporâneo, especialmente com o advento das grandes redes sociais que propiciam uma frenética e ampla comutação de informações, nunca antes experenciado pela humanidade. Contudo, notório que apesar de sempre eminentemente presentes, as fake news constituem um verdadeiro perigo à democracia e, portanto, à saúde de um Estado Democrático de Direitos, tal como o Brasil. Além disso, a desafiadora pandemia causada pela Covid-19, decretada no ano de 2020, trouxe novas dificuldades a serem enfrentadas pelo mundo tornando necessária a aplicação de diversas medidas de enfrentamento à doença por diversos países. Nesse contexto pandêmico e, considerando a volumosa quantidade de fake news produzidas relativas ao assunto, bem como sua ameaça à saúde e vida de toda a população, diversos estados passaram a formular leis, concebendo multa contra quem disseminasse tais notícias. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho possui como finalidade básica o aprofundamento da compreensão das implicações constitucionais do exercício legislativo estadual quanto à formulação de leis que visam a aplicação de multa em casos de fake news de Covid-19, empregando uma análise jurídica, doutrinária e jurisprudencial de diversos institutos constitucionais. A priori, elucida-se a repartição de competências com seus diversos desdobramentos intuindo verificar a pertinência do exercício estadual da formulação das referidas leis. Adiante, os direitos fundamentais seguem como outro aspecto de relevância, especialmente no que concerne à valoração do direito à liberdade de expressão com o direito à informação e o direito à saúde e, outrossim, apresentando a implicação do poder de polícia nesse contexto de proteção aos direitos fundamentais. Frisa-se que a abordagem metodológica adotada é a qualitativa e o método utilizado é o indutivo.
The fake news’s phenomenon it’s a reality of the contemporary world, especially with the major social networks advent that provides a frenetic and wide commutation of information, never experienced by humanity. However, it is notorious that although always eminently present, fake news constitute a real danger to democracy and, therefore, to the health of a Democratic State of Rights, such as Brazil. Moreover, the challenging pandemic caused by Covid-19, decreed in the year 2020, brought new difficulties to be faced by the world, making necessary various measures application to confront the disease by several countries. In this pandemic context and, considering the large amount of fake news produced on this subject, as well as its threat to the health and life of the entire population, several states began to formulate laws, conceiving fines against those who disseminate those types of information. Therefore, the present work has as its basic purpose the understanding of the constitutional implications of the state legislative exercise regarding the law’s formulation that aim at the application of fines to Covid-19’s fake news cases, employing a legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of several constitutional institutes. At first, the competence’s division is elucidated with its several unfolding intending to verify the state’s pertinence exercise of the formulation to those types of laws. Subsequently, fundamental rights are another relevant aspect, especially regarding the valuation of the right to freedom of expression with the right to information and the right to health and presenting the implication of the police power in this context of fundamental right’s protection. It is emphasized that the methodological approach adopted is qualitative and the method used is inductive.
The fake news’s phenomenon it’s a reality of the contemporary world, especially with the major social networks advent that provides a frenetic and wide commutation of information, never experienced by humanity. However, it is notorious that although always eminently present, fake news constitute a real danger to democracy and, therefore, to the health of a Democratic State of Rights, such as Brazil. Moreover, the challenging pandemic caused by Covid-19, decreed in the year 2020, brought new difficulties to be faced by the world, making necessary various measures application to confront the disease by several countries. In this pandemic context and, considering the large amount of fake news produced on this subject, as well as its threat to the health and life of the entire population, several states began to formulate laws, conceiving fines against those who disseminate those types of information. Therefore, the present work has as its basic purpose the understanding of the constitutional implications of the state legislative exercise regarding the law’s formulation that aim at the application of fines to Covid-19’s fake news cases, employing a legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of several constitutional institutes. At first, the competence’s division is elucidated with its several unfolding intending to verify the state’s pertinence exercise of the formulation to those types of laws. Subsequently, fundamental rights are another relevant aspect, especially regarding the valuation of the right to freedom of expression with the right to information and the right to health and presenting the implication of the police power in this context of fundamental right’s protection. It is emphasized that the methodological approach adopted is qualitative and the method used is inductive.
competência legislativa estadual , fake news , Covid-19 , direitos fundamentais , state legislative competence , fundamental rights