A doutrinação política no meio acadêmico
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Silva, Sofia Mortari
Novaes, Gilson Alberto
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O presente estudo objetiva demonstrar que a doutrinação política e ideológica pode ocorrer em
meios acadêmicos, seja escola de ensino superior, de ensino médio ou fundamental, bem como
o quanto ela pode ser prejudicial para os alunos e para a sociedade no geral. Foram analisadas
obras literárias que mostram que a doutrinação acadêmica já foi abordada e muitas vezes
vivenciadas no decorrer da história. Este trabalho apresenta diversas falácias usadas pelo
doutrinador, como justificativas para a doutrinação política ideológica, a fim de que os discentes
compartilhem de suas opiniões. Para demonstrar que a doutrinação não pode ser encontrada
somente em obras literárias, foram trazidas situações vivenciadas por discentes, os quais
sofreram preconceitos e perseguições dentro da instituição acadêmica, realizadas por alguns
professores e colegas de sala, assim como intolerâncias, abuso de poder e em muitos casos,
omissão por parte dos superiores. No final, após toda a análise teórica das obras e dos casos
concretos, ficou demonstrado que a doutrinação pode ocorrer nas instituições de ensino, não
devendo ser tratada como uma mera “teoria”, ficando demonstrado ainda as consequências que
a doutrinação acadêmica pode ocasionar para os discentes e para a sociedade.
The present study aims to demonstrate that political and ideological indoctrination can occur in academic environments, whether higher education, high school or elementary school, as well as how harmful it can be to students and to society in general. Literary works were analyzed that show that academic indoctrination has already been addressed and often experienced throughout history. This work presents several fallacies used by the doctrinaire as justifications for the ideological political indoctrination, so that students share their opinions. To demonstrate that indoctrination cannot be found only in literary works, situations experienced by students were brought up, who suffered prejudice and persecution within the academic institution, carried out by some professors and classmates, as well as intolerance, abuse of power and in many cases, omission on the part of superiors. In the end, after all the theoretical analysis of the In the course of the works and concrete cases, it was demonstrated that indoctrination can occur in educational institutions, and should not be treated as a mere “theory”, and the consequences that academic indoctrination can cause for students and society were also demonstrated.
The present study aims to demonstrate that political and ideological indoctrination can occur in academic environments, whether higher education, high school or elementary school, as well as how harmful it can be to students and to society in general. Literary works were analyzed that show that academic indoctrination has already been addressed and often experienced throughout history. This work presents several fallacies used by the doctrinaire as justifications for the ideological political indoctrination, so that students share their opinions. To demonstrate that indoctrination cannot be found only in literary works, situations experienced by students were brought up, who suffered prejudice and persecution within the academic institution, carried out by some professors and classmates, as well as intolerance, abuse of power and in many cases, omission on the part of superiors. In the end, after all the theoretical analysis of the In the course of the works and concrete cases, it was demonstrated that indoctrination can occur in educational institutions, and should not be treated as a mere “theory”, and the consequences that academic indoctrination can cause for students and society were also demonstrated.
doutrinação , meio acadêmico , discentes , imposição , professor , indoctrination , academia , students , imposition , teacher