Ritual, simbologias e memórias na colação de grau da faculdade de direito da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
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Dalhuisen, Christian Peter
Schwartz, Rosana Maria Pires Barbato
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Bueno, Marcelo Martins
Pederiva, Ana Barbara Aparecida
Pederiva, Ana Barbara Aparecida
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
A Graduation Ceremony is an academic ritual that rises together with the history of University. These rituals are filled with internal symbolic representations, by raising feelings and external that work our visualities. Among all Graduation Ceremonies run by Mackenzie Presbyterian University, there is a specific one that bring a historical legacy, the Faculty of Law. The purpose of this research was to investigate the importance of the academic ritual of the Graduation Ceremony, especially the one held by the Faculty of Law of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, between 2009 and 2017, but also considering some historical factors since its first solemnity in 1959. The research was established in theoretical conceptualization, bringing the Graduation Ceremony as a historical ritual filled with visual symbolic, behavioral and sentimental representations, discussed by authors such as Bourdieu (1989), Chartier (1990) and Peter Burke (1992). Ethical aspects were raised, but also aesthetic aspects, personal recognition relationships, respect, hierarchy and power established by it, harmony and individual rights, principles that compose solemn and ritualistic acts, which historically are normatized, such discussions are raised by Burns (1959) and Elias (2001). The methodology adopted was qualitative, which included: field research and continuous bibliographic search; interviews with several personalities who have experienced the Graduation Ceremony in its most diverse instances, bringing the perspective of oral history, raising the lived experiences, descriptions and conceptualization, as well as bringing aspects of memory as much by the experience, as by its verbalizations and photographic records; survey and systematic mapping of verbal and non-verbal records made in imaging analyzes and with the insertion of phrases, as part of the interviews; as well as a survey of 425 graduates from the Law Course in December 2017, where tangible and intangible aspects of the feelings experienced during the ritual were set out in graphs. The conclusion of this research is reflected in the symbolic, subjective and sentimental importance of this academic act that is verified; in the historical record of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University; and in the certification that rites such as these are symbols that extol the achievements, that hierarchize society, and are necessary for the harmonious social construct.
colação de grau , ritual de passagens , simbologia , memória
Assuntos Scopus
DALHUISEN, Christian Peter. Ritual, simbologias e memórias na colação de grau da faculdade de direito da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. 2018. 124 p. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.