Recuperação judicial de empresas na pandemia da Covid-19
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Falcão, Taynan Silva Lira
Francisco, João Eberhardt
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo objetiva analisar o impacto econômico da pandemia da COVID-19 nas empresas e como isso repercurtiu no processo de recuperação judicial.Assim, será realizado um exame da quantidade de pedidos de recuperação judicial formulados após a aplicação das medidas de restrição social para combate ao coronavírus, comparando-os com a quantidade de pedidos formulados em anos anteriores, a fim de verificar se realmente ocorreu o recorde nos pedidos como esperado pelos especialistas.Além disso, será feito um estudo sobre as medidas aplicadas para auxiliar as empresas que já se encontravam sob regime de recuperação judicial antes mesmo da crise, evitando, assim, uma onda de convolações de recuperações judiciais em falência.Por fim, será realizada uma avaliação sobre a situação atual do soerguimento de determinadas empresas que receberam a concessão de medidas extraordinárias em seus processos de recuperação judicial.
This article aims to analyze the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on companies and how this had an impact on the judicial recovery process. Thus, an examination will be carried out of the number of requests for judicial recovery made after the application of social restriction measures to combat the coronavirus, comparing them with the number of requests made in previous years, in order to verify if the record actually occurred in orders as expected by the experts. In addition, a study will be carried out on the measures applied to assist companies that were already under judicial recovery regime even before the crisis, avoiding a wave of convolutions of judicial recovery in bankruptcy. Finally, an assessment will be carried out on the current situation of the uplift of certain companies that received the granting of extraordinary measures in their judicial recovery processes.
This article aims to analyze the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on companies and how this had an impact on the judicial recovery process. Thus, an examination will be carried out of the number of requests for judicial recovery made after the application of social restriction measures to combat the coronavirus, comparing them with the number of requests made in previous years, in order to verify if the record actually occurred in orders as expected by the experts. In addition, a study will be carried out on the measures applied to assist companies that were already under judicial recovery regime even before the crisis, avoiding a wave of convolutions of judicial recovery in bankruptcy. Finally, an assessment will be carried out on the current situation of the uplift of certain companies that received the granting of extraordinary measures in their judicial recovery processes.
recuperação judicial , Covid-19 , crise econômica , judicial recovery , economic crisis