Dimensionamento do sistema de freio para um veículo do tipo BAJA SAE
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Barbosa, Gabriela Alves
Abreu, Mariana Lemos de
Abreu, Mariana Lemos de
Angelo, Edvaldo
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O freio é um componente fundamental para a segurança de qualquer veículo, faz-se necessário
então um estudo do tema, visto que não são comerciais sistemas de freios projetados para aplicações
como o veículo Baja SAE. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo estudar dois dos principais componentes
do sistema de freios para um veículo fora de estrada do tipo Baja SAE, levando em consideração a
dinâmica veicular longitudinal e análises térmica do disco e estrutural do pedal de acionamento.
Foram descritos os tipos de freios e as características de cada tipo de componente, em seguida foram
selecionados os componentes mais adequados para a aplicação, podendo assim levantar a curva de
frenagem do protótipo. O disco de freio e o pedal de acionamento foram submetidos a simulações
numérico-computacionais. O pedal foi simulado estruturalmente visando uma redução de massa do
mesmo. Foram feitas simulações térmicas do disco de freio, considerando cenários de paradas de
emergência, para analisar a temperatura máxima atingida. Para validação dos resultados encontrados
numericamente, foram realizados testes em campo reproduzindo os mesmos cenários para confrontar
os resultados numéricos com experimentais. Os resultados de comparação entre os resultados
numéricos e experimentais foram coerentes e as simulações computacionais para o modelo térmico
não revelaram diferenças significativas entre as geometrias propostas.
The brake is a fundamental component for the safety of any vehicle, so a subject study is required as there are no commercial brake systems designed for applications such as the Baja SAE vehicle. This scientific article aimed to study two of the main components of the braking system for a Baja SAE road vehicle, taking into account longitudinal vehicle dynamics and thermal analysis of the disc and structural analysis of the drive pedal. Types of brake and characteristics of each component were selected, then the components most used for the application were selected, thus raising the braking curve of the prototype. The brake disc and the pedal were submitted to numerical and computational simulations. The pedal was structurally simulated in order to reduce mass. Thermal simulations of the brake disc were performed, considering emergency braking situations, to analyze the maximum temperature reached. For the validation of computational simulation results, field tests were performed reproducing the same situations to compare the numerical results with experimental ones. Comparison results between numerical and experimental results were consistent and computational simulations for the thermal model revealed no significant differences between the displayed geometries.
The brake is a fundamental component for the safety of any vehicle, so a subject study is required as there are no commercial brake systems designed for applications such as the Baja SAE vehicle. This scientific article aimed to study two of the main components of the braking system for a Baja SAE road vehicle, taking into account longitudinal vehicle dynamics and thermal analysis of the disc and structural analysis of the drive pedal. Types of brake and characteristics of each component were selected, then the components most used for the application were selected, thus raising the braking curve of the prototype. The brake disc and the pedal were submitted to numerical and computational simulations. The pedal was structurally simulated in order to reduce mass. Thermal simulations of the brake disc were performed, considering emergency braking situations, to analyze the maximum temperature reached. For the validation of computational simulation results, field tests were performed reproducing the same situations to compare the numerical results with experimental ones. Comparison results between numerical and experimental results were consistent and computational simulations for the thermal model revealed no significant differences between the displayed geometries.
sistema de freios , Baja SAE , curva de frenagem , simulações numérico computacionais , testes em campo , braking system , braking curve , numerical and computational simulations , field experiment