Tráfico internacional de pessoas para fins de exploração sexual a internet e redes sociais como mecanismos facilitadores no aliciamento de vítimas
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Leite, Beatriz Munhoz
Medeiros, Thamara Duarte Cunha
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Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a utilização da Internet e das Redes Sociais como
um dos principais meios utilizados por criminosos para a captação e vitimização para
o tráfico internacional de pessoas com o fim de exploração sexual, estudando o perfil
dos traficantes e das vítimas, bem como as formas de recrutamento e aliciamento. A
Internet tem se mostrado um dos principais veículos facilitadores para o tráfico
internacional de seres humanos e vem sendo de imensa valia para grupos criminosos
no que se refere à obtenção de informações oportunas para o convencimento das
suas vítimas. Mesmo não existindo um “conceito perfeito” para o crime de tráfico de
pessoas/mulheres, possuímos o Protocolo de Palermo, que dispõe que o crime ocorre
quando do aliciamento da vítima por meio de: engano, fraude ou força, sendo a
mesma obrigada ou simplesmente convencida a se submeter a uma mudança de
domicílio (país) afim de desenvolver determinado trabalho e, ao chegar em seu
destino se depara com uma realidade totalmente diferente. O que notadamente é
encontrado são casos de escravidão e prostituição. Acredita-se que o tráfico de
pessoas seja o comércio ilícito que mais cresceu nos últimos tempos, a sociedade
ainda desconhece a gravidade que envolve esse tema, muitos não acreditam que
exista esse tipo de conduta, mas, na verdade, grande número de pessoas são
beneficiadas com essa escravidão moderna.
This article aims to analyze the use of the Internet and social networks as one of the main means used by criminals to capture and victimize international trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation, studying the profile of traffickers and victims, as well as the forms of recruitment. The Internet has proven to be one of the main facilitating vehicles for international human trafficking and has been of immense value to criminal groups with regard to obtaining timely information to convince its victims. Even though there is no “perfect concept” for the crime of trafficking in persons / women, we still have the Palermo Protocol, which provides that the crime occurs when the victim is recruited by means of: deceit, fraud or force, the same being obliged or simply convinced to undergo a change of address (country) in order to develop certain work and, when you arrive at your destination you are faced with a totally different reality. What is notably found are cases of slavery and prostitution. Trafficking in persons is believed to be the illicit trade that has grown most recently, society is still unaware of the seriousness surrounding this issue, many do not believe that this type of conduct exists, but, in fact, a large number of people benefit from this modern slavery.
This article aims to analyze the use of the Internet and social networks as one of the main means used by criminals to capture and victimize international trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation, studying the profile of traffickers and victims, as well as the forms of recruitment. The Internet has proven to be one of the main facilitating vehicles for international human trafficking and has been of immense value to criminal groups with regard to obtaining timely information to convince its victims. Even though there is no “perfect concept” for the crime of trafficking in persons / women, we still have the Palermo Protocol, which provides that the crime occurs when the victim is recruited by means of: deceit, fraud or force, the same being obliged or simply convinced to undergo a change of address (country) in order to develop certain work and, when you arrive at your destination you are faced with a totally different reality. What is notably found are cases of slavery and prostitution. Trafficking in persons is believed to be the illicit trade that has grown most recently, society is still unaware of the seriousness surrounding this issue, many do not believe that this type of conduct exists, but, in fact, a large number of people benefit from this modern slavery.
tráfico , mulheres , exploração , sexual , traffic , women , exploration , internet