Responsabilidade civil por erro médico em cirurgias plásticas
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Bonadio, Isabella Henrique
Freire Neto, Lourenço de Miranda
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Com o Brasil no pináculo da lista dos países que mais realizam cirurgias plásticas no mundo, é indubitável que a consequência direta disso é a demanda, no Poder Judiciário, de indenizações por erro médico. A responsabilidade civil do médico sempre será aferida mediante a culpa stricto sensu, carecendo, para tanto, uma ampla produção de provas, mormente de análises profissionais. Destarte, buscamos mostrar a importância e o funcionamento da relação médico-paciente, perfazendo-se nevrálgica para obtermos o binômio esclarecimento-consentimento, instrumento eficaz para efetivar as garantias de acesso à saúde e à informação, conforme estudo novel junto à Constituição Brasileira de 1988. Nesse contexto, buscamos demonstrar que a relação médico-paciente possui alicerces do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, sendo, portanto, uma relação consumerista. Ademais, construímos um pensamento acerca da diferença entre obrigação de meio e resultado, enfrentando os dilemas e detectando uma posição equivocada do Superior Tribunal de Justiça ao caracterizar a cirurgias plásticas com fins meramente estéticos como obrigação de resultado. Assim, quando constatado o equívoco, trabalhamos em cima de argumentações plausíveis e suficientes para afastá-lo, mormente no sentido de que o conceito de belo é subjetivo e, portanto, é possível que um indivíduo encontre deformidade onde outro enxerga beleza. A partir disso, propomos uma revisão desse paradigma jurisprudencial equivocado, para que as mudanças sejam implementadas no nosso ordenamento jurídico na toada médica.
With Brazil at the pinnacle of the list of countries that most perform plastic surgery in the world, there is no doubt that the direct consequence of this is the demand, in the Judiciary, for compensation for medical errors. The doctor's civil liability will always be assessed through strict sensu guilt, requiring, therefore, a wide production of evidence, especially professional analysis. Thus, we seek to show the importance and functioning of the doctor-patient relationship, making it nerve-wracking in order to obtain the binomial clarification-consent, an effective instrument to effect guarantees of access to health and information, according to a novel study with the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 In this context, we seek to demonstrate that the doctor-patient relationship is based on the Consumer Protection Code, being, therefore, a consumerist relationship. In addition, we built a thought about the difference between obligation of means and result, facing the dilemmas and detecting a wrong position of the Superior Court of Justice when characterizing plastic surgeries for purely aesthetic purposes as an obligation of results. Thus, when the mistake is found, we work on plausible and sufficient arguments to remove it, especially in the sense that the concept of beauty is subjective and, therefore, it is possible for an individual to find deformity where another sees beauty. Based on this, we propose a review of this mistaken jurisprudential paradigm, so that the changes are implemented in our legal system in the medical field.
With Brazil at the pinnacle of the list of countries that most perform plastic surgery in the world, there is no doubt that the direct consequence of this is the demand, in the Judiciary, for compensation for medical errors. The doctor's civil liability will always be assessed through strict sensu guilt, requiring, therefore, a wide production of evidence, especially professional analysis. Thus, we seek to show the importance and functioning of the doctor-patient relationship, making it nerve-wracking in order to obtain the binomial clarification-consent, an effective instrument to effect guarantees of access to health and information, according to a novel study with the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 In this context, we seek to demonstrate that the doctor-patient relationship is based on the Consumer Protection Code, being, therefore, a consumerist relationship. In addition, we built a thought about the difference between obligation of means and result, facing the dilemmas and detecting a wrong position of the Superior Court of Justice when characterizing plastic surgeries for purely aesthetic purposes as an obligation of results. Thus, when the mistake is found, we work on plausible and sufficient arguments to remove it, especially in the sense that the concept of beauty is subjective and, therefore, it is possible for an individual to find deformity where another sees beauty. Based on this, we propose a review of this mistaken jurisprudential paradigm, so that the changes are implemented in our legal system in the medical field.
responsabilidade civil , erro médico , código de defesa do consumidor , subjetividade , civil liability , medical error , consumer protection code , subjectivity