(À) espera: relatório de realização de um documentário sobre a espera na adoção
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Xavier, Ana Luiza Guimarães Vieira
Harris, Hugo de Almeida Harris
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No Brasil, o processo de adoção é composto por vários passos obrigatórios que
o postulante deve seguir, entre eles se destacam a entrega de documentos,
avaliações psicológicas, econômicas e sociais. Embora dados atuais mostrem
que a quantidade de pais à espera de filhos é bem maior que a quantidade de
crianças disponíveis à adoção, há muito o sistema segue sendo o mesmo. Este
relatório trata sobre a elaboração do documentário, (A) Espera, que teve como
objetivo acompanhar a vida dos candidatos na fila dá adoção a fim de expor as
qualidades e defeitos da burocracia envolvendo o Sistema Nacional da Adoção
e Acolhimento no Brasil e, ao mesmo tempo, evidenciar os efeitos dessa longa
espera. Para tanto, foi necessário o estudo de obras, como Nichols (2005),
Guzman (2017), Paiva (2004) e estudos, como Gominho e Brenda (2019). Além
disso, o documentário ouviu especialistas da área, que trabalham diariamente
na Vara da Infância e Juventude resolvendo o destino de famílias por adoção.
Apesar dos obstáculos apresentados por causa das regras da pandemia, a
produção deste trabalho contornou o problema escolhendo entregar a câmera
na mão dos personagens, assim, ao acompanhar por seis meses as famílias,
transmite-se uma visão subjetiva de quem vive a espera. Ao concluir a edição de
‘(À) Espera’ foi possível perceber todas as características de um trabalho
jornalístico: apuração, busca por fontes, entrevistas, decupagem e edição
In Brazil, the adoption process is composed of several mandatory steps that the applicant must follow, among them the delivery of documents, psychological, economic, and social evaluations stand out. Although current data show that the number of parents waiting for children is far greater than the number of children available for adoption, the system has long remained the same. This report is about the preparation of the documentary, (A) Espera, which aimed to follow the lives of candidates in the adoption process in order to expose the qualities and defects of the bureaucracy involving the National Adoption System in Brazil and, at the same time, highlight the effects of this long wait. Therefore, it was necessary to study works such as Nichols (2005), Guzman (2017), Paiva (2004) and studies such as Gominho and Brenda (2019). In addition, the specialized documentary in the area, which works daily at the Childhood and Youth Court, solving the fate of these families. Despite the impulses due to the pandemic rules, the production of this work circumvented the problem by handing the camera into the characters' hands. By following the families for six months, a vision of those who live waiting is transmitted, subjectively. Upon completing the editing of ‘(À) Espera’, it was possible to perceive all the characteristics of a journalistic work: investigation, search for sources, interviews, decoupage and editing.
In Brazil, the adoption process is composed of several mandatory steps that the applicant must follow, among them the delivery of documents, psychological, economic, and social evaluations stand out. Although current data show that the number of parents waiting for children is far greater than the number of children available for adoption, the system has long remained the same. This report is about the preparation of the documentary, (A) Espera, which aimed to follow the lives of candidates in the adoption process in order to expose the qualities and defects of the bureaucracy involving the National Adoption System in Brazil and, at the same time, highlight the effects of this long wait. Therefore, it was necessary to study works such as Nichols (2005), Guzman (2017), Paiva (2004) and studies such as Gominho and Brenda (2019). In addition, the specialized documentary in the area, which works daily at the Childhood and Youth Court, solving the fate of these families. Despite the impulses due to the pandemic rules, the production of this work circumvented the problem by handing the camera into the characters' hands. By following the families for six months, a vision of those who live waiting is transmitted, subjectively. Upon completing the editing of ‘(À) Espera’, it was possible to perceive all the characteristics of a journalistic work: investigation, search for sources, interviews, decoupage and editing.
Acesso online;
adoção , espera , jornalismo , documentário , adoption , long process , journalism , documentary