As consequências da exposição bíblica : uma abordagem histórica do poder da pregação da palavra em momentos de revitalização da igreja
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Almeida, Wendel Nunes de
Cardoso, Dario de Araujo
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As práticas e os conceitos relacionados à revitalização de igrejas locais estão muito encharcados por métodos pragmáticos que não são autorizados pela Escritura. Muitos estão confiando nas engenhosidades humanas, e deixando de lado, o Evangelho, que tem poder para transformar indivíduos e sua comunidade. Confiar nestes métodos promove uma igreja ainda mais fragilizada, por mais que, numericamente, ela venha a ser considerável. O presente trabalho busca fazer uma análise de alguns momentos históricos em que a igreja de Cristo necessitava de revitalização e demonstrar que a exposição da Escritura ocupou centralidade nestes contextos. Entendemos que, para que uma igreja local seja revitalizada, não há método mais eficaz do que a Escritura sendo fielmente ensina.
The practices and concepts related to the revitalization of local churches are too founded in pragmatic methods, which are not authorized by Scripture. Many are those who have trusted in human skills, and put aside the Gospel, which has the power to transform individuals, as well as their communities. Relying on these methods promotes an even more fragile church, even though, numerically, it may be considerable. The present work seeks to analyze some historical moments in which the church of Christ needed to be revitalized, and to demonstrate that the exposition of Scripture played a central role in these contexts. We understand that for a local church to be revitalized, there is no more effective method than the Scripture being faithfully taught.
The practices and concepts related to the revitalization of local churches are too founded in pragmatic methods, which are not authorized by Scripture. Many are those who have trusted in human skills, and put aside the Gospel, which has the power to transform individuals, as well as their communities. Relying on these methods promotes an even more fragile church, even though, numerically, it may be considerable. The present work seeks to analyze some historical moments in which the church of Christ needed to be revitalized, and to demonstrate that the exposition of Scripture played a central role in these contexts. We understand that for a local church to be revitalized, there is no more effective method than the Scripture being faithfully taught.
exposição da Escritura , revitalização de igrejas locais , exposition of Scripture , revitalization of local churches