Os anos negligenciados: o que contribui na morosidade dos processos de adoção?
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Weinberg, Adele Mendes
Rodriguez, Pedro Sartori
Oliveira, Camilly Venegas de
Rodriguez, Pedro Sartori
Oliveira, Camilly Venegas de
Saad, Martha Solange Scherer
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a questão da morosidade nos processos
de adoção no Brasil. À vista disso, indaga-se quais são os principais fatores que engessam o
trâmite processual, fazendo com que inúmeras crianças e adolescentes percam a oportunidade
de encontrar uma família. Parte-se da hipótese de que a morosidade do processo seja causada,
sobretudo, por um excesso de burocracia, tanto do ponto de vista técnico como daquele
relacionado aos próprios adotantes, que criam, a partir de preconceitos pessoais, entraves ao
processo. Para tanto, é analisado o processo de adoção em suas duas principais esferas: a
processual e a social, começando pelo processo técnico da adoção para depois analisar a
morosidade presente e suas fontes, considerando os âmbitos estudados e relacionando dados
com princípios, suas raízes e o paralelo com a problemática em questão.
ABSTRACT The present article is focused on understanding the slowness of the adoption system in Brazil. With that in mind, it seeks to answer questions such as what are the main factors which delay the process of adoption, making innumerable children and teenagers lose the opportunity of finding a family. It starts from the assumption that the slowness of the process is caused, above all, by an excess of bureaucracy, both from a technical point of view and related to the adopters themselves, who create, from personal prejudices, obstacles to the process. In order to do so, the adoption process is analyzed in its two main spheres: the procedural and the social, starting with the technical process of adoption and then analyzing the present slowness and its sources, considering the areas studied and relating data to principles, their roots and the parallel with the problem in question.
ABSTRACT The present article is focused on understanding the slowness of the adoption system in Brazil. With that in mind, it seeks to answer questions such as what are the main factors which delay the process of adoption, making innumerable children and teenagers lose the opportunity of finding a family. It starts from the assumption that the slowness of the process is caused, above all, by an excess of bureaucracy, both from a technical point of view and related to the adopters themselves, who create, from personal prejudices, obstacles to the process. In order to do so, the adoption process is analyzed in its two main spheres: the procedural and the social, starting with the technical process of adoption and then analyzing the present slowness and its sources, considering the areas studied and relating data to principles, their roots and the parallel with the problem in question.
adoção , obstáculos , processo , morosidade , preferências , adoption , obstacles , process , delay , preferences