A qualificação jurídica da cláusula de take-or-pay
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Santos, Pedro Antonio de Oliveira
Cracken, Roberto Nussinkis Mac
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A cláusula de take-or-pay é frequentemente utilizada em contratos de longo prazo de compra e venda de gás, óleo, energia elétrica e outros segmentos voltados para o fornecimento constante de commodities, matéria-prima e insumos, que geralmente sofrem com bruscas oscilações de preços. Referida cláusula traz grandes vantagens comerciais e jurídicas tanto para os vendedores destes insumos, como para os compradores, que buscam um fornecimento contínuo, a preço pré-estabelecido, com a finalidade de garantir segurança e previsibilidade. O mecanismo take-or-pay tem, portanto, indubitável importância no segmento empresarial, tendo sua utilização sido consolidada pelos agentes econômicos. A qualificação da natureza jurídica da cláusula, entretanto, não tem concordância unânime pela doutrina, que se divide em classificar a cláusula ou como obrigação de garantia, ou como obrigação alternativa, ou como cláusula penal, podendo gerar diferentes efeitos jurídico-econômicos a depender de sua qualificação. O presente trabalho propõe-se a analisar qual dos três referidos institutos melhor se encaixaria na definição do mecanismo take-or-pay, com o fim de estabelecer corretamente a qualificação jurídica do referido tipo clausular.
The take-or-pay clause is often used in long-term contracts for the purchase and sale of gas, oil, electricity and other segments focused on the constant supply of commodities, raw materials and inputs, which usually suffer from sudden price fluctuations. This clause brings great commercial and legal advantages both for the sellers of these inputs and for the buyers, who seek a continuous supply, at a pre-established price, in order to ensure security and predictability. The take-or-pay mechanism has, therefore, undoubted importance in the business segment, and its use has been consolidated by the economic agents. The classification of the legal nature of the clause, however, is not unanimously agreed upon by the doctrine, which is divided into classifying the clause either as a guarantee obligation, or as an alternative obligation, or as a penalty clause, which may generate different legal-economic effects depending on its classification. This paper proposes to analyze which of the three mentionedinstitutes would best fit the definition of the take-or-pay mechanism, in order to correctly establish the legal qualification of such type of clause.
The take-or-pay clause is often used in long-term contracts for the purchase and sale of gas, oil, electricity and other segments focused on the constant supply of commodities, raw materials and inputs, which usually suffer from sudden price fluctuations. This clause brings great commercial and legal advantages both for the sellers of these inputs and for the buyers, who seek a continuous supply, at a pre-established price, in order to ensure security and predictability. The take-or-pay mechanism has, therefore, undoubted importance in the business segment, and its use has been consolidated by the economic agents. The classification of the legal nature of the clause, however, is not unanimously agreed upon by the doctrine, which is divided into classifying the clause either as a guarantee obligation, or as an alternative obligation, or as a penalty clause, which may generate different legal-economic effects depending on its classification. This paper proposes to analyze which of the three mentionedinstitutes would best fit the definition of the take-or-pay mechanism, in order to correctly establish the legal qualification of such type of clause.
cláusula take-or-pay , compra e venda , fornecimento , take-or-pay clause , purchase and sale , supply