Os conceitos que envolvem o infanticídio bem como a comunicabilidade de suas elementares no concurso de agentes
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Nogueira, Caio André Máximo
Silva, Ivan Luis Marques da
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O presente trabalho visa analisar o crime de infanticídio sob uma perspectiva não só jurídico teórica, mas também prática, trazendo para tanto, jurisprudências e analisando a hermenêutica jurídica contida por trás dessas decisões. Notadamente o trabalho traz em sua análise uma priorização dos aspectos jurídicos, contextualizando e conceituando o crime de forma exaustiva para melhor compreensão do contexto em que se insere, mas não se limita a isso, pois os aspectos estranhos ao direito, advindas de outras áreas do conhecimento como por exemplo a psicologia, devem ser integrados ao trabalho, de forma que se estabeleça uma relação quase que simbiótica desses temas com o próprio direito.
This work aims to analyze the crime of infanticide under a legal perspective, not only theoretical, but also practical, bringing to that case jurisprudence and analysis of a legal hermeneutics contained behind these decisions. Notably, the work brings in its analysis a prioritization of legal aspects, contextualizing and conceptualizing crime in an exhaustive way for a better understanding of the context in which it is inserted, but it is not limited to that, as aspects foreign to law, such as sociology and psychology, must be integrated into the work, so that an almost symbiotic relationship is established between these themes and their own right.
This work aims to analyze the crime of infanticide under a legal perspective, not only theoretical, but also practical, bringing to that case jurisprudence and analysis of a legal hermeneutics contained behind these decisions. Notably, the work brings in its analysis a prioritization of legal aspects, contextualizing and conceptualizing crime in an exhaustive way for a better understanding of the context in which it is inserted, but it is not limited to that, as aspects foreign to law, such as sociology and psychology, must be integrated into the work, so that an almost symbiotic relationship is established between these themes and their own right.
infanticídio , estado puerperal , concurso de agentes , infanticide , puerperal state , agent competition