Escola parque : a criança como protagonista
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Poletti, Lara Loiola
Araujo, Nieri Soares de
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Este estudo investiga a interação entre arquitetura, cidade e infância, reconhe- cendo a importância do ambiente cons- truído no desenvolvimento integral das crianças.
Inicialmente, explora-se a escala da infância na esfera urbana, destacando a necessidade de promover seu protagonismo e autonomia na configuração dos espaços públicos.
Em seguida, a fenomenologia arquitetônica emerge como uma abordagem essencial para compreender a experiência das crianças no ambiente construído, considerando não apenas os aspectos físicos, mas também os aspectos perceptivos e emocionais do espaço Além disso, é estudado o ambiente escolar como o primeiro contato significativo das crianças com o mundo exterior, influenciando seu desenvolvimento físico, social, emocional e cognitivo.
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é explorar como a arquitetura e o espaço podem criar ambientes estimulantes que promovam a aprendizagem e ins-pirem a inovação educacional, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento inclusivo das crianças e para a construção de cidades mais acolhedoras e adaptadas às suas necessidades.
This study investigates the interaction between architecture, city, and childhood, recognizing the importance of the built environment in the holistic development of children. Initially, the scale of childhood in the urban sphere is explored, emphasizing the need to promote their protagonism and autonomy in shaping public spaces. Subsequently, architectural phenomenology emerges as an essential approach to understand children’s experience in the built environment, considering not only the physical but also the perceptual and emotional aspects of space. Furthermore, the school environment is studied as the first significant contact of children with the outside world, influencing their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. The main objective of this research is to explore how architecture and space can create stimulating environments that promote learning and inspire educational innovation, contributing to the inclusive development of children and to the construction of cities that are more welcoming and adapted to their needs.
This study investigates the interaction between architecture, city, and childhood, recognizing the importance of the built environment in the holistic development of children. Initially, the scale of childhood in the urban sphere is explored, emphasizing the need to promote their protagonism and autonomy in shaping public spaces. Subsequently, architectural phenomenology emerges as an essential approach to understand children’s experience in the built environment, considering not only the physical but also the perceptual and emotional aspects of space. Furthermore, the school environment is studied as the first significant contact of children with the outside world, influencing their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. The main objective of this research is to explore how architecture and space can create stimulating environments that promote learning and inspire educational innovation, contributing to the inclusive development of children and to the construction of cities that are more welcoming and adapted to their needs.
infância , desenvolvimento infantil , arquitetura , cidade , ambiente escolar , fenomenologia , childhood , architecture , city , school environment , phenomenology , child development