O ethos discursivo no diário de Simonton: um olhar sobre os registros da missão no Brasil
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Guimarães, Laércio Rios
Bastos, Neusa Maria Oliveira Barbosa
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Membros da banca
Trevisan, Ana Lúcia
Andrade, Carlos Augusto Baptista de
Andrade, Carlos Augusto Baptista de
This work is intended to present the discursive ethos of the enunciator based on the text of O Diário de Simonton ("Simonton's Journal"), focusing only in the period as from his arrival in Brazil. It analyzes from the Journal excerpts dealing with his first contact with the missionary field; his abolitionist view and his role as a missionary. It briefly tells about the historical background of Presbyterianism, as well as about Simonton's life, according to Cerni (1992), Ferreira (1992), Matos (2004) e Ribeiro (1981). This work also provides an analysis of the ethos from aspects such as character, behavior and corporality present in the discourse theory references of Maingueneau (1997, 2000), presenting the origins of the ethos concept in Aristotle and other ideas on the theme found in Charaudeau (2006). It briefly presents the concept of the journal as a discursive gender and how that can be important in constructing the ethos of the enunciator. It is concluded by showing how it is possible to define the ethos of the enunciator even if the corpus is a journal and through the discourse, the previous ethos is confirmed by the one who receives the enunciator's ethos.
ethos , caráter , comportamento , corporalidade , enunciador , diário , ethos , character , behavior , corporality , enunciator , journal