Por dentro do luxo falsificado: um estudo para a realização da narrativa transmídia "Sinônimo de Luxo"
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Gargalaca, Nicole Sericov
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Este trabalho tem como propósito o de trazer conhecimento a respeito do mercado
das falsificações de luxo, principalmente das bolsas, assim como o de abordar as
influências que o mercado de luxo possui na sociedade brasileira. Para isso, foram
realizadas pesquisas que focaram no mercado de luxo, no consumo do luxo
falsificado e nos brechós de luxo, mais precisamente nos processos de
autenticação. Este trabalho embasa uma narrativa transmídia que possui um teor
leve e acessível, por meio de um site e uma conta no Instagram. As entrevistas
foram realizadas de maneira on-line e presencial, com Claudia Nogueira e Alina
Stoenicã, ambas colaboradoras do PrettyNew; Paula Saric, Júlia da Mata; Tina
Kara; Eliz Dias e Deisi Pedroso. É necessário compreender como as falsificações
podem influenciar no cenário criativo de uma grife, e sua compra e venda podem
acarretar consequências graves para a sociedade. As entrevistas foram realizadas
com foco em trazer as opiniões dos entrevistados, e nunca com qualquer juízo de
This project aims to bring knowledge about the fake luxury market, mainly handbags, as well as bring the influences that the luxury market has on Brazilian society. The research was carried out that focused on the luxury market, the consumption of fake luxury and luxury thrift stores, more precisely on the authentication processes. This project is the basis for a transmedia narrative that has light and accessible content, through a website and an Instagram account. The interviews were carried out online and in person, with Claudia Nogueira and Alina Stoenicã, both collaborators at PrettyNew; Paula Saric, Júlia da Mata; Tina Kara; Eliz Dias and Deisi Pedroso. It is necessary to understand how fakes can influence the creative scenario of a brand, and how their purchase and sale can have serious consequences for society. The interviews were carried out with a focus on bringing out the opinions of the interviewees, and never with any value judgment.
This project aims to bring knowledge about the fake luxury market, mainly handbags, as well as bring the influences that the luxury market has on Brazilian society. The research was carried out that focused on the luxury market, the consumption of fake luxury and luxury thrift stores, more precisely on the authentication processes. This project is the basis for a transmedia narrative that has light and accessible content, through a website and an Instagram account. The interviews were carried out online and in person, with Claudia Nogueira and Alina Stoenicã, both collaborators at PrettyNew; Paula Saric, Júlia da Mata; Tina Kara; Eliz Dias and Deisi Pedroso. It is necessary to understand how fakes can influence the creative scenario of a brand, and how their purchase and sale can have serious consequences for society. The interviews were carried out with a focus on bringing out the opinions of the interviewees, and never with any value judgment.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito MUITO BOM.
mercado de luxo , falsificações , bolsas , jornalismo , narrativa transmidiática