Jogo digital para educação financeira de adultos no Brasil: proposta pautada em redes bayesianas e lógica fuzzy
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Souza, Rafael Marin Machado de
Notargiacomo, Pollyana Coelho da Silva
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Membros da banca
Cardoso, Alexandre
Omar, Nizam
Omar, Nizam
Engenharia Elétrica
The importance of nancial education within families has been placed in evidence for several
countries, including Brazil, where the government has instituted a project to bring
these issues to teenagers and adults in order to disseminate these concepts within brazilians
households. This work has the goal to develop a game in serious game format with
the adaptation of book \The Richest Man in Babylon", updating the book's teachings to
current literature. The developed application focus on being a personal nance education
tool for adults, given that the public has a smaller approach scope on nancial literacy
project of the federal government. Aims to unify nancial literacy concepts of the main
sources in order to simplify the mathematical concepts and minimize the impact that
these lessons can bring. Thus facilitating the understanding and adapting the content
to prior knowledge of the player who is constantly being tested during the game's plot.
The game was developed in Unity with arti cial intelligence techniques to adapt the content
to the player based on choices made in the course of the plot. The use of game
was evaluated as intuitive in tests conducted with adults from the age of the target audience
, 25 to 44, who also commented on the relevance and practicality of the information
finanças pessoais , educação financeira , serious games , adaptabilidade , jogos digitais
Assuntos Scopus
SOUZA, Rafael Marin Machado de. Jogo digital para educação financeira de adultos no Brasil: proposta pautada em redes bayesianas e lógica fuzzy. 2016. 137 f. Dissertação (Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.