Som de rosa choque - uma narrativa transmídia sobre as mulheres na música brasileira contemporânea
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Alves, Mariana Silva
Santos, Rafael Fonseca
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O presente trabalho busca retratar o cenário contemporâneo da Música Popular Brasileira, com recorte de gênero para destacar a participação das mulheres nesse mercado em diferentes posições. A produção de uma narrativa digital e transmidiática sobre o assunto pretende responder como o jornalismo cumpre com o seu papel de memória e interpretação da realidade para compreender a força das mulheres no cenário musical brasileiro contemporâneo, ressaltando suas funções e desafios dentro da indústria cultural atual do país. Propõem-se, assim, uma análise histórica da música popular brasileira, que se transforma constantemente em elementos sonoros, contexto social e político, para entender o papel das artistas mulheres na construção de uma identidade artística dentro deste contexto, entendendo as desigualdades e como elas são enfrentadas hoje por essas artistas dentro do mercado musical. Por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas e entrevistas, o trabalho de pesquisa foi refletido para a peça jornalística digital, que busca gerar visibilidade para o assunto enquanto cria memória, apoiada no jornalismo, para os rumos futuros das mulheres na música do Brasil.
This work seeks to portray the contemporary scenario of Brazilian Popular Music, with a gender focus to highlight the participation of women in this market in different positions. The production of a digital and transmedia narrative on the subject aims to answer how journalism fulfills its role of memory and interpretation of reality to understand the strength of women in the contemporary Brazilian music scene, highlighting their functions and challenges within the current cultural industry of the country. Therefore, we propose a historical analysis of Brazilian popular music, which is constantly transformed into sound elements, social and political context, to understand the role of female artists in the construction of an artistic identity within this context, understanding inequalities and how they are faced today by these artists within the music market. Through bibliographic research and interviews, the research work was reflected in the digital journalistic piece, which seeks to generate visibility for the subject while creating memory, supported by journalism, for the future directions of women in music in Brazil.
This work seeks to portray the contemporary scenario of Brazilian Popular Music, with a gender focus to highlight the participation of women in this market in different positions. The production of a digital and transmedia narrative on the subject aims to answer how journalism fulfills its role of memory and interpretation of reality to understand the strength of women in the contemporary Brazilian music scene, highlighting their functions and challenges within the current cultural industry of the country. Therefore, we propose a historical analysis of Brazilian popular music, which is constantly transformed into sound elements, social and political context, to understand the role of female artists in the construction of an artistic identity within this context, understanding inequalities and how they are faced today by these artists within the music market. Through bibliographic research and interviews, the research work was reflected in the digital journalistic piece, which seeks to generate visibility for the subject while creating memory, supported by journalism, for the future directions of women in music in Brazil.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
música popular brasileira , mulheres , jornalismo cultural , narrativa transmídia