Amor Veríssimo: estudo sobre a adaptação de crônicas de L.F. Veríssimo

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Contave, Natalia de Figueiredo
Pereira, Helena Bonito Couto
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Corrêa, Lilian Cristina
Valenzuela, Sandra Trabucco
This study is about the relationship between literature and television, it discusses the point of view of theory, and it also brings up practical application in analysis, which draws a comparative study among the texts of two semiotic spheres. In the theoretical chapters some points are reported, first, on the origin of chronicle and its history and development up to the point it is considered a literary genre, afterwards, the television language is analysed and also its evolution up to present times. Secondly, the issue of audio-visual adaptation is presented, its specifications and processes, focusing on the relationship with literature. The concept here inserted is based on the Bakhtinian theory of dialogism, it is not only a critical analysis based on the loyalty between the literary original work and its adaptation, but, to understand its adaptation as a way of transformation and creation of a new independent work. This dissertation also brings theoretical content related to the target point on fictional narratives, it discusses, at last, a question regarding to both literary theory and audio-visual language. The analysis is made on the chronicles of Luis Fernando Verissimo and the first season of Amor Verissimo as well – a series directed by Arthur Fontes and broadcast by GNT –, from the theoretical features about narrative focus on each one of them and also taking as a complement the pondering relationship between both of the works.
adaptação , literatura comparada , Luis Fernando Verissimo
Assuntos Scopus
CONTAVE, Natalia de Figueiredo. Amor Veríssimo: estudo sobre a adaptação de crônicas de L.F. Veríssimo. 2016. 147 f. Dissertação( Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.