Machado de Assis: um retrato do racismo no século XIX
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Santos, Jenyffer Cristina dos
Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
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Este trabalho de conclusão de curso parte de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e
documental que tem como premissa a discussão da etnia de Machado de Assis, tal
como sua origem e caminho até a conquista de seu espaço como escritor famoso e
renomado. Considerando a sociedade onde o mesmo viveu e quais obstáculos que
precisou superar até atingir o estado de Machado de Assis, entidade nacional a além
de seu tempo. Atento às amarras do preconceito, discutindo o nível de enraizamento
do racismo imposto desde a colonização do Brasil e como tal memória equivocada
etnicamente do escritor é mantida até hoje mesmo que esse assunto não seja uma
pauta tão recente no meio acadêmico
This project is based on a bibliographical and documentary research that has as its premise the discussion of Machado de Assis' ethnicity, such as his origin and path to the conquest of his space as a famous and renowned writer. Considering the society where he lived and the obstacles he had to overcome to reach the state of Machado de Assis, a national entity beyond its time. Attentive to the shackles of prejudice, discussing the level of rootedness of racism imposed since the colonization of Brazil and how such an ethnically mistaken memory of the writer is maintained until today even though this subject is not such a recent agenda in the academic environment.
This project is based on a bibliographical and documentary research that has as its premise the discussion of Machado de Assis' ethnicity, such as his origin and path to the conquest of his space as a famous and renowned writer. Considering the society where he lived and the obstacles he had to overcome to reach the state of Machado de Assis, a national entity beyond its time. Attentive to the shackles of prejudice, discussing the level of rootedness of racism imposed since the colonization of Brazil and how such an ethnically mistaken memory of the writer is maintained until today even though this subject is not such a recent agenda in the academic environment.
Machado de Assis , mulato , racismo , Machado de Assis , mulatto , racism