A responsabilidade civil no âmbito criminal com foco na indenização por dano moral nas condutas de injúria racial e homofobia: análise da quantificação a partir da comparação das jurisprudências dos e. tribunais de justiça dos estados de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul
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Castro, Mirella Sapucahy de
Almeida, Maria Cecília Ladeira de
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O presente artigo científico tem como objetivo estudar a responsabilidade civil no âmbito criminal com foco na indenização por dano moral nos casos em que há a prática de injúria racial ou, ainda, homofóbica, comparando as jurisprudências dos E. Tribunais de Justiça dos Estados de São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul e Rio de Janeiro. No geral, a responsabilidade civil é uma garantia para com o ofendido ou vítima de que será ressarcido por aquele que cometeu ato ilícito contra sua pessoa. Para tanto, serão analisados, em um primeiro momento, a evolução da responsabilidade civil, seus pressupostos, espécies e efeitos, para posteriormente finalizar o trabalho com o estudo da aplicação da indenização por danos morais em face das injúrias raciais e condutas homofóbicas, relembrando que a primeira está prevista no artigo 140 do Código Penal, enquanto a segunda foi equiparada à Lei n. 7.716/89.
This scientific article’s purpose is studying civil liability in the criminal level, focused on compensation for moral damage in cases which racial or homophobic injury were practiced. All this by analyzing and making comparisons of jurisprudence from the State Courts of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro. Generally, civil liability is a guarantee that the victim will be compensated by the person who committed an illegal act against him. For this purpose, the evolution of civil liability, its assumptions, species and effects will be analyzed, in order to subsequently conclude the research with the study of the application of compensation for moral damages regarding the practice of racial slur and homophobic conduct, evoking that the first is foreseen in article 140 of the Penal Code, while the second was provided by Federal Law no. 7.716/89.
This scientific article’s purpose is studying civil liability in the criminal level, focused on compensation for moral damage in cases which racial or homophobic injury were practiced. All this by analyzing and making comparisons of jurisprudence from the State Courts of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro. Generally, civil liability is a guarantee that the victim will be compensated by the person who committed an illegal act against him. For this purpose, the evolution of civil liability, its assumptions, species and effects will be analyzed, in order to subsequently conclude the research with the study of the application of compensation for moral damages regarding the practice of racial slur and homophobic conduct, evoking that the first is foreseen in article 140 of the Penal Code, while the second was provided by Federal Law no. 7.716/89.
responsabilidade civil , penal , dano moral , injúria racial , civil responsibility , moral damages , racial injury , homophobia