Um modelo epidemiológico para o SARS-COV-2 baseado em autômato celular probabilista
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Tessaro, Artur Santana
Fanti, Vinicius Campos
Fanti, Vinicius Campos
Monteiro, Luís Henrique Alves
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O SARS-CoV-2 é atualmente o maior problema de saúde pública do mundo e é considerado uma das maiores epidemias da história. Este trabalho tem como objetivo modelar e simular a propagação desse vírus por meio de autômato celular probabilista (ACP). No modelo proposto, a população é composta por indivíduos suscetíveis ao vírus (S), indivíduos infectados pelo vírus sem apresentar sintomas (A), indivíduos infectados pelo vírus apresentando sintomas (I) e indivíduos recuperados (R). Considerando parâmetros constantes e parâmetros variáveis ao longo do tempo, foram realizadas simulações numéricas para determinar como diferentes regimes de quarentena afetam a propagação do SARS-CoV-2.
SARS-CoV-2 is currently the biggest public health problem in the world and is considered one of the biggest epidemics in history. This work aims to model and to simulate the spread of this virus through probabilistic cellular automaton (ACP). In the proposed model, the population is composed of individuals susceptible to the virus (S), individuals infected by the virus without symptoms (A), individuals infected by the virus showing symptoms (I) and recovered individuals (R). By considering time-constant and time-variable parameters, numerical simulations were performed to determine how different quarantine regimes affect the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
SARS-CoV-2 is currently the biggest public health problem in the world and is considered one of the biggest epidemics in history. This work aims to model and to simulate the spread of this virus through probabilistic cellular automaton (ACP). In the proposed model, the population is composed of individuals susceptible to the virus (S), individuals infected by the virus without symptoms (A), individuals infected by the virus showing symptoms (I) and recovered individuals (R). By considering time-constant and time-variable parameters, numerical simulations were performed to determine how different quarantine regimes affect the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
autômato celular probabilista , COVID-19 , modelos epidemiológicos , regimes de quarentena , SARS-CoV-2 , epidemiological models , probabilistic cellular automaton , quarantine regimes