Análise do testamento vital no âmbito latino: diretivas para implementação na esfera jurídica nacional brasileira
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Ferrauto, Gabriella Coscina
Theophilo Neto, Nuncio
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Em suma, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é enfatizar o respeito e a importância da proteção da
dignidade dos pacientes perante situações de fase terminal de vida, na qual não é possível
expressarem suas manifestações de vontades. O tema “Testamento Vital” encontra-se ausente
de lei aprovada no Congresso Nacional, ainda desconhecido pela maior parte da sociedade
brasileira. O projeto apresentará exemplos de países da América Latina, mais especificamente
a Argentina e o Uruguai, que positivaram o Testamento Vital em seus ordenamentos jurídicos.
Possibilita, dessa forma, futuras alternativas para uma implementação no Brasil, uma vez que
o Conselho Federal de Medicina emitiu uma resolução acerca do assunto. A temática será
abordada garantindo a proteção aos princípios, direitos individuais e fundamentais assegurados
pela Constituição Federal brasileira de 1988 e o Código de Ética Médica. Para tanto, será
utilizada a linha de análise jurídica e bioética. O método a ser empregado será o hipotéticodedutivo,
haja vista que se pretende apresentar um conjunto de proposições hipotéticas para
analisar o objeto deste estudo. Para isso, a abordagem do objeto desta pesquisa jurídica será
qualitativa e terá como suporte textos específicos ao tema de Testamento Vital, como
jurisprudência, Resoluções do Conselho de Medicina, Projetos de Leis, livros, artigos e
periódicos. Será utilizado também neste trabalho o método comparativo de pesquisa, uma vez
que equipara diferentes sistemas jurídicos de países da América Latina, tendendo-se a uma
futura positivação no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.
In short, the general objective of this study is to emphasize the respect and importance of protecting the dignity of patients facing situations of terminal phase of life, in which it is not possible to express their manifestations of wills. The theme "Living Will" is absent from the approved law by the Brazilian National Congress, still unknown by most Brazilian society. The project will present examples of Latin American countries, more specifically Argentina and Uruguay, which have made the Living Will effective in their legal systems. This way, making it possible for future alternatives for implementation in Brazil, once The Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine has issued a sentence on the subject. The theme will be addressed respecting the principles, individual and fundamental rights protected by the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Code of Medical Ethics. For this purpose, the line of legal analysis and bioethics will be used. The chosen method will be the hypothetical-deductive one, given that the intention is to present a set of hypothetical propositions to analyze the object of this study. For this, the approach to the object of this legal research will be qualitative and will be supported by texts specific to the theme of Living Will, such as jurisprudence, Resolutions of the Medical Council, Law Projects, books, articles, and periodicals. The comparative research method will also be used in this study, since it compares different legal systems of Latin American countries, tending to a future acceptance in the Brazilian legal system.
In short, the general objective of this study is to emphasize the respect and importance of protecting the dignity of patients facing situations of terminal phase of life, in which it is not possible to express their manifestations of wills. The theme "Living Will" is absent from the approved law by the Brazilian National Congress, still unknown by most Brazilian society. The project will present examples of Latin American countries, more specifically Argentina and Uruguay, which have made the Living Will effective in their legal systems. This way, making it possible for future alternatives for implementation in Brazil, once The Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine has issued a sentence on the subject. The theme will be addressed respecting the principles, individual and fundamental rights protected by the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Code of Medical Ethics. For this purpose, the line of legal analysis and bioethics will be used. The chosen method will be the hypothetical-deductive one, given that the intention is to present a set of hypothetical propositions to analyze the object of this study. For this, the approach to the object of this legal research will be qualitative and will be supported by texts specific to the theme of Living Will, such as jurisprudence, Resolutions of the Medical Council, Law Projects, books, articles, and periodicals. The comparative research method will also be used in this study, since it compares different legal systems of Latin American countries, tending to a future acceptance in the Brazilian legal system.
testamento vital , diretivas antecipadas de vontade , doença terminal , ortonásia , living will , advance directives of will , terminal disease , orthothanasia