Teorias críticas contemporâneas como uma cosmovisão: tensões com a cosmovisão cristã reformada
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Gomes, Rafael Charles Heringer
Fontes, Filipe Costa
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Analisamos a filosofia dos movimentos de justiça social pela perspectiva da teoria de cosmovisões. Essa filosofia é fundamentada em um conjunto de teorias críticas contemporâneas que possuem em comum o tratamento da opressão como sistêmica e a perspectiva identitária. Apresentamos os conceitos básicos dessas teorias críticas e argumentamos que elas podem ser classificadas como uma nova cosmovisão. Para isso, utilizamos as oito perguntas de cosmovisão de James Sire. Ressaltamos as semelhanças e as diferenças entre as respostas da nova cosmovisão com aquelas do marxismo e do pós-modernismo. Por fim, discutimos a compatibilidade da nova cosmovisão com a cosmovisão cristã reformada, e contrastamos suas propostas epistemológicas e morais. Concluímos que as duas cosmovisões são antitéticas e que o discurso das teorias críticas contemporâneas exige a validação de práticas que são consideradas pecaminosas na perspectiva cristã.
We analyze the philosophy of the social justice movements through the perspective of worldview theory. This philosophy is grounded in a set of contemporary critical theories which have in common the treatment of oppression as systemic and the identitary perspective. We present the basic concepts of these critical theories and argue that they can be classified as a new worldview. For that purpose, we use James Sire's eight worldview questions. We emphasize the similarities and differences between the answers from the new worldview and those from marxism and postmodernism. Finally, we discuss the compatibility of the new worldview with the Christian reformed worldview, and contrast their epistemological and moral proposals. We conclude that the two worldviews are antithetical and that the discourse of the contemporary critical theories demands the validation of practices which are considered sinful on the Christian perspective.
We analyze the philosophy of the social justice movements through the perspective of worldview theory. This philosophy is grounded in a set of contemporary critical theories which have in common the treatment of oppression as systemic and the identitary perspective. We present the basic concepts of these critical theories and argue that they can be classified as a new worldview. For that purpose, we use James Sire's eight worldview questions. We emphasize the similarities and differences between the answers from the new worldview and those from marxism and postmodernism. Finally, we discuss the compatibility of the new worldview with the Christian reformed worldview, and contrast their epistemological and moral proposals. We conclude that the two worldviews are antithetical and that the discourse of the contemporary critical theories demands the validation of practices which are considered sinful on the Christian perspective.
justiça social , cosmovisão reformada , teorias críticas contemporâneas , pós-modernismo , maxismo