Uma análise da tecnologia Blockchain. Aplicações e desafios regulatórios
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Cunha, Vitor Rodolfo Koketu da
Bagnoli, Vicente
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar o ambiente regulatório da tecnologia Blockchain. Para tanto procura demonstrar os problemas que a tecnologia resolve, suas aplicações, incluindo bitcoin, criptomoedas e criptoativos, bem como outras possíveis aplicações. Pretende também apresentar como as criptomoedas já possuem um espaço relevante no cenário econômico global. O Artigo examina definições da blockchain ligadas a órgãos do sistema financeiro de outros países e do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, englobando as normas infraconstitucionais dos órgãos da administração pública que podem regular essa tecnologia, assim como as delimitações legais do tema e decisões judiciais envolvendo a Blockchain. Outrossim, analisa, possíveis aplicações da Blockchain e estuda como a tecnologia pode ser utilizada para fins ilícitos como, lavagem de dinheiro, e evasão de divisas. Por fim, aduz que que a Sociedade Civil e os Legisladores devem examinar a questão com cuidado, responsabilidade e atenção pois diversos desafios normativos serão apresentados com a possível mudança de paradigma no sistema financeiro proporcionada pela Blockchain
This article aims to analyze the regulatory environment of Blockchain technology. For this purpose, it demonstrates the problems that the technology solves, its applications, including bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, virtual assets, as well as other possible applications of the Blockchain technology. It also intends to present how cryptocurrencies already have a relevant place in the global economic scenario. Furthermore, the article examines blockchain definitions of other countries' financial system agencies and examines the Brazilian legal system, including infra- constitutional norms of public administration agencies that can regulate this technology, as well as the legal delimitations of the subject and judicial decisions involving Blockchain. It also analyzes possible applications of Blockchain and studies how the technology can be used for illicit purposes, such as money laundering, and foreign exchange evasion. Finally, it argues that the Civil Society and the Legislative House must examine the issue with care, responsibility and attention. The possibility of a paradigm shift in the global financial system due to the Blockchain tecnoligy will present several challenges to the States
This article aims to analyze the regulatory environment of Blockchain technology. For this purpose, it demonstrates the problems that the technology solves, its applications, including bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, virtual assets, as well as other possible applications of the Blockchain technology. It also intends to present how cryptocurrencies already have a relevant place in the global economic scenario. Furthermore, the article examines blockchain definitions of other countries' financial system agencies and examines the Brazilian legal system, including infra- constitutional norms of public administration agencies that can regulate this technology, as well as the legal delimitations of the subject and judicial decisions involving Blockchain. It also analyzes possible applications of Blockchain and studies how the technology can be used for illicit purposes, such as money laundering, and foreign exchange evasion. Finally, it argues that the Civil Society and the Legislative House must examine the issue with care, responsibility and attention. The possibility of a paradigm shift in the global financial system due to the Blockchain tecnoligy will present several challenges to the States
Trabalho indicado para publicação pela banca examinadora
blockchain , bitcoin , criptomoeda , criptoativos , regulação , oferta inicial de moedas , cryptocurrencies , virtuala assets , regulation , inicial coin offerting