Sustentabilidade urbana: o desafio da construção de indicadores de sustentabilidade urbana
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Saeta, Fernanda Pereira
Souza, Carlos Leite de
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Bruna, Gilda Collet
Marques, Juliana Di Cesare Margini
Marques, Juliana Di Cesare Margini
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
The theme of urban sustainability has been increasingly present in discussions on the development of humanity, given the explosive growth of cities at the beginning of the 21st century. The perception that cities are the biggest challenge for sustainable development in an urban planet is evident. This work seeks to expound on this issue covering initially a general concept of urban sustainability and "sustainable cities", ie some of the cities which have been able to reinvent themselves recently, promoting standards of improvement in various indicators of urban sustainability. Curitiba, Portland, Bogota and Barcelona are analysed in light of sustainability indicators for urban mobility, environmental and governance issues. A great number of indicators which measure and serve as a parameter in the promotion of urban sustainability are primarily of public accountability, being part of public policy and urban management by governments. However, in countries like Brazil, private agents have had, traditionally, an important role in building our cities. It should be emphasised, therefore, the responsibility of private actors of civil construction and real estate development in the promotion, together with the public sector, of a more sustainable urban development. It is necessary to diagnose the current situation of our cities, for the establishment of new parameters and ideas which can contribute to an improved urban quality of life of future generations, meaning a sustainable urban development which incorporates higher standards of environmental quality, economic and social development. The dissertation concludes with an analysis of indicators of urban sustainability which are of primary responsibility of the private sectors - construction and real estate development - which can help promote the integration of sustainability into the process of urban planning in Brazilian cities, through recommendations which aim to promote more sustainable cities.
cidades sustentáveis , mercado imobiliário , construção civil , indicadores , sustainable cities , real estate market , construction , indicators
Assuntos Scopus
SAETA, Fernanda Pereira. Sustentabilidade urbana: o desafio da construção de indicadores de sustentabilidade urbana. 2012. 198 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2012.