Heroísmo bíblico: análise narrativa do personagem Moisés sob o conceito de jornada do herói
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Jesus, Emanuelle Albuquerque de
Leonel, João Cesário
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A Bíblia sempre foi objeto de estudo para os teólogos e os historiadores, contudo, também pode ser estudada e analisada através do âmbito literário. As histórias bíblicas possuem narrações e enredos enriquecidos de literatura. Partindo desse pressuposto, surge a necessidade de aprofundar os estudos literários nas escrituras bíblicas. A história bíblica de Moisés é uma das narrativas mais conhecidas e recontadas em todo o mundo, com inúmeros acontecimentos inimagináveis e marcantes, a narrativa é construída com precisão e é rica em detalhes espaço-temporais, considerada um dos maiores relatos de feitos heróicos que existem. Portanto, com objetivo de suprir essa premência, a jornada do herói, um método analítico proposto por Joseph Campbell e reformulado por Christopher Vogler através do olhar literário, se tornou essencial para delinear os acontecimentos dessa história e encaixar as peças necessárias para a construção dos personagens envolvidos.
The Bible has always been an object of study for theologians and historians, but it can also be studied and analyzed through the literary sphere. Biblical stories have narratives and plots enriched with literature. Based on this assumption, the need to deepen literary studies in the biblical scriptures arises. The biblical story of Moses is one of the best known and retold narratives around the world, with numerous unimaginable and remarkable events, the narrative is built with precision and is rich in space-time details, considered one of the greatest accounts of heroic deeds that exist. Therefore, in order to meet this need, the hero's journey, an analytical method proposed by Joseph Campbell and reformulated by Christopher Vogler through the literary gaze, became essential to delineate the events of this story and fit the necessary pieces for the construction of the characters involved.
The Bible has always been an object of study for theologians and historians, but it can also be studied and analyzed through the literary sphere. Biblical stories have narratives and plots enriched with literature. Based on this assumption, the need to deepen literary studies in the biblical scriptures arises. The biblical story of Moses is one of the best known and retold narratives around the world, with numerous unimaginable and remarkable events, the narrative is built with precision and is rich in space-time details, considered one of the greatest accounts of heroic deeds that exist. Therefore, in order to meet this need, the hero's journey, an analytical method proposed by Joseph Campbell and reformulated by Christopher Vogler through the literary gaze, became essential to delineate the events of this story and fit the necessary pieces for the construction of the characters involved.
análise narrativa , bíblia , jornada do herói , Moisés , Christopher Vogler , bible , hero's journey