Nova Paraisópolis - a moeda que quebra barreiras: relatório de realização de documentário sobre a moeda comunitária de Paraisópolis
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Santana, Dominique Prata de Oliveira
Harris, Hugo
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Paraisópolis, a maior favela de São Paulo, iniciou recentemente um projeto de
moeda comunitária. Nesse processo, a primeira etapa que se realizou e já funciona
há três anos na comunidade é o cartão de crédito Nova Paraisópolis. A ideia surgiu
para agregar no planejamento do presidente da Associação dos Moradores de criar
um novo olhar sobre a favela e a tornar sustentável. Dessa forma, a ideia é que
economia circule em maior volume na comunidade e crie um círculo virtuoso, uma vez
que também favorece os projetos sociais e faz com que o capital retorne. Dito isso, o
intuito deste trabalho de conclusão de curso foi entender e expor o impacto social que
essa moeda já tem feito em Paraisópolis. Para que isso fosse possível, foi necessário
entrevistar idealizador do projeto, pessoas que ultilizam e foram afetadas de alguma
forma, como os comerciantes, moradores da favela e coordenadores dos projetos
sociais, e a representante da empresa Mais Fácil, que sistematiza e delibera o cartão
Nova Paraisópolis. Além disso, alguns autores como Bill Nichols, Guy Gauthier,
Claudine France, Patricio Guzmán, Marcius Freire e Marusa Vasconcelos Freire
fundamentaram a realização e idealização do trabalho. Este documentário conta com
essas entrevistas e imagens que dialogam entre si cumprindo o principal objetivo
de apresentar o cartão, sua funcionalidade e impacto na favela.
Paraisópolis, the largest favela in São Paulo, recently started a community currency project. In this process, the first step that has been carried out and has been active for three years in the community is the Nova Paraisópolis credit card. The idea came to add to the planning of the Residents Association’s president to create a new point of view at the favela and make it sustainable. Thus, the idea is that the economy circles in a greater volume in the community and creates a virtuous circle, as it also favors social projects and makes capital return. That said, the purpose of this paper was to understand and expose the social impact already made by the currency in Paraisópolis. To make this possible, it was necessary to interview the project's creator, people who use and were affected in some way, such as merchants, slum dwellers and social project coordinators, as well as the company representative of Mais Fácil, which systematizes and deliberates the card, Nova Paraisopolis. In addition, some authors such as Bill Nichols, Guy Gauthier, Claudine France, Patricio Guzmán, Marcius Freire and Marusa Vasconcelos Freire substantiated the realization and idealization of the work. This documentary features these interviews and images that dialogue with each other fulfilling the main purpose of presenting the card, its functionality and impact on the favela.
Paraisópolis, the largest favela in São Paulo, recently started a community currency project. In this process, the first step that has been carried out and has been active for three years in the community is the Nova Paraisópolis credit card. The idea came to add to the planning of the Residents Association’s president to create a new point of view at the favela and make it sustainable. Thus, the idea is that the economy circles in a greater volume in the community and creates a virtuous circle, as it also favors social projects and makes capital return. That said, the purpose of this paper was to understand and expose the social impact already made by the currency in Paraisópolis. To make this possible, it was necessary to interview the project's creator, people who use and were affected in some way, such as merchants, slum dwellers and social project coordinators, as well as the company representative of Mais Fácil, which systematizes and deliberates the card, Nova Paraisopolis. In addition, some authors such as Bill Nichols, Guy Gauthier, Claudine France, Patricio Guzmán, Marcius Freire and Marusa Vasconcelos Freire substantiated the realization and idealization of the work. This documentary features these interviews and images that dialogue with each other fulfilling the main purpose of presenting the card, its functionality and impact on the favela.
Acesso online:
Paraisópolis , moeda , comunidade , impacto social , documentário , jornalismo , Paraisópolis , currency , community , social impact , documentary , journalism